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Topic: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa (Read 41515 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #45
gws 9050 nedostatak trebas izgubit sat vremena da ih balansiras

Re: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #46
A kada ih izbalansiras rade ko urica

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

dovoljno jak motor moze dignuti i tavalon u zrak

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #47
Testiranja idu dalje,
ubija me sto brzo padne mrak pa ne stignem preko tjedna a vikend je kisan ili vjetrovit.
Danas sam letio iza zalaska sunca i napokon se LEDice vide.
2x 2200 3s se pokazalo dovoljno za normalno ali nekoliko jacih uzleta pun gas i pisti alarm,
pa sam testirao 3x 2200 3s i pokazalo se najbolja varijanta.

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #48
ej kolko vremena letis sa 2x2200

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #49
ej kolko vremena letis sa 2x2200

nekih 8 minuta, ne silim do kraja ostavim nekih 10%, alarm na 3.5 kad sletim bude 3.7-3.8.
s 4 je letio 15 minuta, s 3 nisam jos izmjerio ali 10-12 ocekujem.

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #50
znaci 2 x 4000 mah bi bilo ok za neku ozbiljniju upotrebu,gledam neke baterije pa nemam pojma sta da uzmem nasao sam neke zippy 4000mah 3s 40c oko30dolara trebale bi biti ok

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #51
znaci 2 x 4000 mah bi bilo ok za neku ozbiljniju upotrebu,gledam neke baterije pa nemam pojma sta da uzmem nasao sam neke zippy 4000mah 3s 40c oko30dolara trebale bi biti ok

Sto je veci kapacitet to je lakse dati dovoljno A, tj mozes manji C pa je tako i puno jeftinija baterija po Mah.

Najbolje bi bilo da istetiras kako leti s kojom tezinom, jer ako je pre tesko trosi previse struje za hoover nije propolcionano produzenje leta.
Pocne se osjecati lagana inercija s vecom tezinom, probaj prvo.
Pozeljno je ponovo podesiti parametre, i probati mozda i druge velicine elisa, najcesce vece s vecom tezinom,
ili u drugom pravcu 4s umjesto 3s, pa snaga skoci uz proporcionalno povecanje opterecenja.
Svakako probati.

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #52
Bilo bi dobro izmjeriti power metrom koliko vuce u hooveru i pun gas da znas koliko jaku bateriju trebas,
thrust je teze izmjeriti pa to testiras letom s tezinom i vidis kako se ponasa, provjeri i koliko se sve grije jer
sto je tezi vise opterecujes motore i plus duzi let ostavi sigurnosnog lufta.

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #53
hvala na infou  :)

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #54
Novi KK2 fw 1.3

Well, finally here it is: The new firmware with the improved self level 
Now it snaps to level like a champ!

Changes in FW:

1: Airplane functions removed: Airplane presets and "arming always on". The FW can still do airplane stabilization, but I recommend using OpenAero2 for that.

2: Widened the limits of the RX input signal for those who insist on using 150% servo travel with 150% dual rate. Tip: use the stick scaling in KK2 instead. Also notice that using such high servo travel may confuse the CPPM decoder, so always check in the RX monitor with all sticks and switches set to maximum PPM value. This applies only to CPPM users.

2: Set servo filter default to 50%.

3: Fixed the swapped labels in the CPPM setup screen.

When flashed with new FW, the KK2 will do a factory reset. Do not forget to check the layout and other settings, and calibrate the accelerometers.

Changes in usage:

1: For well performing self-level the gyros must have a good calibration. Large changes in temperature may upset the self-level. Therefore the KK2 does a gyro calibration each time it is armed. At that time it must be kept completely still, i. e. standing on the ground. It does not need to be level, but within +- 10 degrees.

It also calibrates the gyros on start-up, so you may get a error message if it is moved to much around when connecting the battery. Disconnect and reconnect to get rid if that message. This calibration is not important, but it will affect the angles being shown on the SAFE screen. They may be wrong. Arm and disarm if you want to see the correct ones.

The default self level gain where determined on a HK H.A.L quad.

During prolonged looping, flipping and high angle sport flying the KK2 may lose its bearing of the up and down direction and not keep level when self-level is turned on, especially if the KK2 experiences a temperature change since the last arming. Land and re-arm to fix this, no need to disarm first.


To accomplish this:

Added a second math library to handle the 3D vector rotations. This library is 8.24 signed fixed point, written specially for this case.Due to the high resolution it is not necessary to normalize the 3D vector.
The 3D vector is a Quarternion without the rotation parameter, aka direction vector. This vector always point straight up.
The Euler angles (roll/pitch) where extracted from the 3D vector in a simplified way, no memory for a ATAN2 and ASIN2 function. They will show wrong values past +-90 degrees, but this does not affect the performance.
The accelerometers is only used when roll and pitch angles is inside +-10 degrees and vertical acceleration is inside 0.7 to 1.3G to remove any drift on the direction vector. Therefore long periods without level hovering may cause the vector to drift.

And I am happy I stayed on the assembly road, I feel home then
Attached Files

KK2_1V3.ZIP (88.0 KB, 35 views)


Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #55
jesi stigao prije mraka updejtat i testirat
taman vikend idem updejtat pa da vidimo self level

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #57
1.3 upucan

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #58
Pojavilo se nesto novina, od pocetnog ekrana do opcija u izborniku.

Uoceno da Turnigy 9x vise ne luta u reciver test uredno pise 0, nesto su tu popravili.

Odg: SIX Hexcopter - moja prva hexa

Reply #59
stavio i ja probao hover u dvoristu al je prevelik mrak da bi mogao primjetit razlike
reciver test nisam skuzio budem pogledao
ovaj pocetni zaslon su da malo izmjenili

sad kad spajas bateriju nesmijes mrdat quad slicno kao kod helica

sutra ustajanje sa izlaskom sunca   ;D