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Topic: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove? (Read 4038 times) previous topic - next topic

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Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Dakle sve iz naslova, na modelu sa 6 servaca. Elevator, ruder, eleron 1, eleron 2, flaps 1, flaps 2.

Prvo sam sve napravio prema ovom videu.

...onda po ovim uputama
Ok, here is how I have done it.
1. Plug flap servos into channel 7
2. In the settings menu go to Aux-Ch and set channel 6 to throttle hold, this will be "flap" channel for the tx programming BUT not for the plane  - that will be ch 7 as above.
3. Now set ch 7 to pitch trim - this will be aux 1 on tx
4. By doing this you will have a flap over riding switch - throttle hold to give full flap up/down if you need it.  You also get the pitch trim pot for minor adjustment of flap position. (set it to the mid position)
5. In program Mix do the following
 mix 1
set act
master flap
slave pitch trim (aux 1)
dn rate +036
sw nor
mix 2
set act
master flap
slave pitch trim  (aux 1)
dn rate -24
sw idl1
mix 3
set act
master flap
slave pitch trim  (aux 1)
dn rate -100
sw idl2
Operation - the 3 position switch will now operate the flap servo to the 3 positions programmed.  Keep throttle hold switch off to use 3 position switch.  The flap servo position can be programmed using the dnrate setting.  The above will get you going and you can fine tune the settings.
Remeber that the pitch trim pot is always active and if you bump it it will reposition the flaps.  Use it to get say zero flaps fine tuned and note the position and leave it alone.
You can go into the display menu and operate the switches and you will see that the ch7=flaps moving to the three positions and see the affect of the pitch trim knob as well as the throttle hold switch.
What this program mix is doing is taking the throttle hold off position as master and as you operate the three position switch it is causing a proportion of that to be slaved/fed to the pitch trim which you have programmed as channel 7 connected to the flap servos.

...nije uspjelo, pa sam porihtao prema ovim uputama
First up you'll need an 8ch receiver for this to work and

I'm using the stock firmware on my Turnigy 9x v2 actually, that sadly has a broken Butterfly feature.

However no need to throw it away just yet, as building program mixes yourself in Motor plane mode
(not Glider mode of the transmitter, so you'll have to change that in SYSTEM for your model) works very well and
as additional bonus you'll get to use the Throttle Hold switch for added safety for when your motor/throttle is concerned as well.

For usage of the flaps (one position for in-flight / soaring) and butterfly (full on brake for landing or brake whilst diving) we're going to use the three point switch. Which has three modes you can use, Normal mode, ID1 mode and ID2 mode.

Basically the following mix uses up all 7 Prog.Mixes in Motor plane mode of the T9x v2 and uses up 6 channels. In my case needed the Turnigy 9x v2 8 ch receiver for it to work.

ch.1 aileron 1,
ch.2 elevator,
ch.3 throttle,
ch.4 rudder,
ch.5 empty gear channel reserved for transmitter programming,
ch.6 Flaps with Y-cable,
ch.8 second aileron

(The 7th channel for some reason only provided ~70% of servo range, and using the same programming on a 6ch receiver I haven't as of yet got it working because of the reserved 'dummy' channel used in the programming)

The only minor issue with this setup is that it's impossible to mix elevator into these mixes unless you want butterfly as the only option, as you've only got 7 prog. mixes at your disposal. But frankly, this plane doesn't really need elevator being mixed into flaps and butterfly that much anyway.

It's easy getting used to just by compensating elevator yourself.

I'm flying Mode 2 with throttle on the left stick by the way.

The Prog. Mixes are as follows;

Prog. Mix 1:

State: ACT
Master: AIL (ch1)
Slave: AUX (ch8)
Offset: 000
Uprate: 100
Downrate: 100
SW: on (means 'always on', used for the Aileron mixing)

Prog. Mix 2:

State: ACT
Master: GYR (dummy channel)
Slave: FLP
Offset: 000
Uprate: 100
Downrate: -100
SW: On

Prog. Mix 3:

State: ACT
Master: GYR
Slave: FLP
Offset: 000
Uprate: -100
Downrate: 100
SW: ID1 (middle location of 3 pos. switch activates Flaps now)

Prog. Mix 4:

State: ACT
Master: GYR
Slave: FLP
Offset: 000
Uprate: -100
Downrate: 100
SW: ID2 (down position activates butterfly of flaps and ailerons, ..)

Prog. Mix 5:

State: ACT
Master: GYR
Slave: FLP
Offset: 000
Uprate: -100
Downrate: 100
SW: ID2 (.. and you need this mix twice for maximum servo movement for the butterfly)

Prog. Mix 6:

State: ACT
Master: GYR
Slave: Aux (ch8, the other aileron for Butterfly upwards mixing)
Curve: Tune (press + to enter / edit this;

Points are; L: 0% , 1: 50% 2: 50%, 3: 50% H: 0%

(press Menu to save and go back to Prog. Mix 6, then press Menu short again (!) to save Prog. Mix 6)

Prog. Mix 7:

State: ACT
Master: GYR
Slave: AIL (ch1 aileron upwards mix for butterfly)
Curve: Tune (press + to enter / edit this;

Points are; L: 100% , 1: 50%, 2: 50%, 3: 50%, H: 100%

(Again press Menu shortly to save the curve and then press Menu AGAIN shortly to save Prog. Mix 7.

You will also have to assign channel 5, the dummy channel, to a switch on the transmitter like for example Throttle Hold in the AUX / CH menu.

This makes sure the dummy channel is active, even if the 'SW' set to 'ON' should already do that.

Afterwards, do yourself a favor and activate the Throttle Cut / Throttle Hold feature of this transmitter as well in it's own menu and you're totally good to go.

Nisam uspio u podesavanju i neznam kaj da radim i jesam li previdio neku sitnicu van pisanih uputa, koja mi je ostla ukljucena...!?!?!

Pomozite ako znate  :'(
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #1
Krenuo sam iznova upisivati sve parametre iz drugog citata i opet bez uspjeha.
Kako god reversao, eleroni mi idu kontra, kao i desni flaps.
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #2
ch.1 aileroni sa Y-kablom
ch.2 elevator
ch.3 throttle
ch.4 rudder
ch.6 Flaps sa Y-kablom (mozda ces tu morati okrenuti jedan servo, jer se oba moraju kretati u istom smjeru - rješenje: ili prelemit žice ili okreneš servo tak da su na oba krila u istom polozaju)


kopirat cu ti setting kako ja imam podešeno na P-51.

AUX-CH  --> CH5 - GEAR

MIX 6 I 7 se mogu koristiti za programiranje npr. elevatora da ide gore/dole s određenim pomakom flapsova...

Uglavnom, igraš se s ovim postavkama DNRATE ovisno koliki pomak trebas..ja imam ovak slozeno mada rijetko koristim flapse.


Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #3
Dobio sam mig iz kojeg sam zakljucio da me kolje Y kabel.
Maknuo sam ga i postekao sve prema drugom citatu, reversao potrebno i sad sve radi kak treba osim lijevog flapsa, koji mogu ukljuciti u 5ti ili 7mi kanal (jedini slobodni), ali ne reagira, osim na prekidac "thro hold" sa samo jednim pomakom u srednji polozaj flapsa.
Ima li za to pomoci?

...ako nist drugo, budem probao prelemiti servac.

Hvala zeRO! Ako ne uspijem ovo zapoceto dovrsiti, budem probao tvoju postavku.
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #4
Dobio sam mig iz kojeg sam zakljucio da me kolje Y kabel.
Maknuo sam ga i postekao sve prema drugom citatu, reversao potrebno i sad sve radi kak treba osim lijevog flapsa, koji mogu ukljuciti u 5ti ili 7mi kanal (jedini slobodni), ali ne reagira, osim na prekidac "thro hold" sa samo jednim pomakom u srednji polozaj flapsa.
Ima li za to pomoci?

...ako nist drugo, budem probao prelemiti servac.

Hvala zeRO! Ako ne uspijem ovo zapoceto dovrsiti, budem probao tvoju postavku.

Turnigy Servo Signal Reverser
bas za taj slucaj ako ti ne pase okretati servo a nemas vise slobodnih kanala.

Mozda je vrijeme za er9x upgrade.

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #5
Imam dva slobodna kanala. 5 i 7, ali neznam kaj u stanici podesiti da oni pokrenu servo na prekidacu sa 3 polozaja.
Mislim da je problem vise u mom apsolutnom nesnalazenju sa radom stanice, nego u stanici, koju cu ako mi potrebe porastu (a i kad se educiram), vrlo brzo promijeniti  ;)
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /


Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #6

Koristim istu stanicu i sjećam se da sam prije promjene firmwarea imao isti problem kao i ti....

A da si probao u onoj konfiguraciji kad su ti servoi išli u krivu stranu samo zamjeniti mjesta tim servoima na prijemniku....
Slična stvar se meni dešavala na bixleru.. eleroni su bili podešeni kao flapsovi... i kad bih zamjenio mjesta servaćima onda bi flapsovi umjesto dolje išli prema gore.... a ostalo je radilo normalno....

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #7
A da si probao u onoj konfiguraciji kad su ti servoi išli u krivu stranu samo zamjeniti mjesta tim servoima na prijemniku....

Palo mi je i to na pamet, pa sam zamijenio, no onda je jedan (neznam sad koji) eleron ostao nepomican.
Pretpostavio sam da je to zbog MIXa, ali nisam znao otkriti gdje.
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #8
Slična stvar se meni dešavala na bixleru.. eleroni su bili podešeni kao flapsovi... i kad bih zamjenio mjesta servaćima onda bi flapsovi umjesto dolje išli prema gore.... a ostalo je radilo normalno....

Meni flapsovi nemogu ici prema gore. Konstrukciski je tako, da idu samo prema dolje.
Zapravo, sve sad radi super, osim kaj jedan servac za flaps moram prelemiti, a toga se primiti me malo prpa.
Na HK je preporuceni servo reverser na backorederu.

Hvala ti!
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #9
ako ga možeš mehanički okrenuti na drugu stranu.. nećeš trebati lemiti :)

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #10
ako ga možeš mehanički okrenuti na drugu stranu.. nećeš trebati lemiti :)

A mogu, ali trebam prepraviti krilo, a to mi je zadnja opcija.
Nebudem nist navratnanos poduzimao, mozda se rijesenje ukaze iz vedra neba.
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #12
Jos jedna ideja malo blesava,
spoji jos jedan prijemnik, daj mu struju preko male to male servo lead i spoji na kanal koji ide na dobru stranu, tako da imas 2 na jednu dva na drugu pa biraj koji pase,
ujedno imas i za dva serva koji isto rade.

Odg: Turnigy 9x + 9x8Cv2, kako pospajati i programirati flapsove?

Reply #14
Jos jedna ideja malo blesava,
spoji jos jedan prijemnik, daj mu struju preko male to male servo lead i spoji na kanal koji ide na dobru stranu, tako da imas 2 na jednu dva na drugu pa biraj koji pase,
ujedno imas i za dva serva koji isto rade.

Ovo moram jos koj put pazljivo procitati, pa prespavati  ;)
Hvala  :)
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /