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Topic: Simonk izbacio novi firmware (Read 3484 times) previous topic - next topic

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Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Izgleda da će i multirotori moći letjeti naopako!!! :)
Stvar je u tome da će regleri imati reverse nešto slično kao na autu na daljinski.
Tako da bi teoretski u letu mogao promjeniti smijer vrtnje i time potisak i leti naopako (ko helikopter sa negativnim korakom)
Naravno ne postoje simetrični propeleri za jednu i drugu stranu ili možda da samo ja nisam vidio.
Ovo sam našao piše Simon
Yes, I've been wanting to try this for a while, but I wasn't able to find any flat-bladed props (without a scoop). Most of the slow-flyers are scooped enough that you basically get no thrust spinning at the same speed in reverse.

There is some confusion with "reverse" builds (MOTOR_REVERSE), which just makes the motor spin the other way by default, and RC_PULS_REVERSE, which is like an RC car mode with neutral in the center (or wherever you want).

Regarding the braking, there are currently a few interesting things, but they're not enabled by default. Ziss_dm did this in wii-esc, which I borrowed: You can set "COMP_PWM" to 1 on bs-type boards (or boards with ir2101s chips, generally OK). Check with an Ammeter first that there are no dead-time issues with the FETs being driven this way, but if it works, you can get a much more linear throttle response, active braking/regen during flight, and actually improved efficiency due to reduced conduction through the body diode of the FETs. If you try this on a P/N board, it will likely blow up. Most boards I tried draw very high current at any speed if there is a dead-time issue. F-30A, F-60A, and some ir2101s boards I tried all seemed OK; TowerPro with BL8003 was not happy until I added 1µs between switches. wii-esc's "comp_pwm" directory contains wii-esc builds with this enabled as well, and he is using delta-sigma modulation instead of 18kHz PWM.

Anyway, separate to COMP_PWM, there is pulsed (regenerative), variable-speed braking. See MOTOR_BRAKE and BRAKE_SPEED options. Mostly added for the F5B guys, but I would like to also add a third state in RC car mode where thumb brake can be used (really low pulse applies the brake while neutral does not). Currently, it's just brake at neutral. Otherwise, brake is useful for gliders where there is prop drag. Any mix of these options can be enabled.

Building is really easy (for me ;)), but probably a bit more of a pain (for now) for AVR Studio users. I'm trying to get a patch into avra to let it accept "-i" (include specific files). Then, all of the board switch at the top can go away, and it can be built more easily in AVR studio by just opening the files you need. For now, you will have to convince tgy.asm to include and nothing else, if you want to make a bs.hex target. On Linux or Mac with "avra" installed, you can just type "make", and get all targets.

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #1
sad bit ce jos vise crash-eva multija :D

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #2
I onda će ekipa ipak napokon skužit da su heliji zakon :)

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #3
I onda će ekipa ipak napokon skužit da su heliji zakon :)

Tako je, pa će lijepo počet kršit helije.

I onda će ekipa napokon skužit da su depronci zakon :)

Ovdje treba ići potpis - no ja sam nepismen.

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #4
Ma za početnike su depronci nenad*ebivi, tu nema priče :)

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #5
Ima neko link za download  fw-a
na ovoj nema hex fila.
ili se mora iz asm kompajlirati... ili...

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #6
Odavde sam ja skinuo i radi. Skini si zadnji zip i uzmi .hex koji trebaš
Trex 550E 3G, PA Bandit, HK Y-3 Tricopter
Futaba 9C, Jr MC-20

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #7
Hvala, riješeno ...

Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #8
Dobio sam 4 nova reglera iz Hk za novi quadcopter. ESC-ovi su Turnigy Plush 30A, SIL čipset i vidim da je firmware na njima hw139v4.2 verzija. Da li netko zna koliki je refresh rate na njima, da li se ti esc.ovi mogu flashat ( s čime i kako)?


Odg: Simonk izbacio novi firmware

Reply #10
Dobio sam 4 nova reglera iz Hk za novi quadcopter. ESC-ovi su Turnigy Plush 30A, SIL čipset i vidim da je firmware na njima hw139v4.2 verzija. Da li netko zna koliki je refresh rate na njima, da li se ti esc.ovi mogu flashat ( s čime i kako)?
ne kužim kaj ti je falilo ovima koji su isti turnigy plush samo već sa simon k gore.i još jeftiniji...
Some days you feel like the Wright Brothers.
And some days you're Icarus.