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Topic: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm (Read 23344 times) previous topic - next topic

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H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

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HobbyKing Product Video - HobbyKing Racers Series

Osim reklamnog videa, skoro je nemoguce naci video takvog sbacha u letu ( ima nesto ali jako malo u odnosu na reklamu).


The unique and quite brilliant Hobbyking Racer series has been developed with two things in mind....high performance and massive amounts of fun!
The good looking airframe is made from super tough EPO foam and is heavily re-inforced with CF rods, each version is nicely finished in an authentic color scheme. One of the first things you notice with this series is the nicely designed modular construction, the wings and horizontal stabilizer literally snap together making assembly and parts replacement simple and fast. No glue is required for assembly, the vertical stabilizer and tough under-carriage simply screw on and the servo's, high power motor and ESC are all pre-fitted. When you look around these brilliant models, you can see that they have been built for performance, not only are they fast...they are also superbly aerobatic! The large control surfaces for instance are fully hinged, the tail assembly has been designed to cope with high G, high speed aerobatic's, not to mention the odd less than perfect landing, the wheels are proper rubber and can cope with suprisingly rough grass strips and if you want to hand-launch, no problem! these brilliant racers fly out of your hand like a scolded cat!
All of the H-King Racer Series offer breath-taking performance combined with great looks, toughness, a clever yet simple design and excellent quality construction, all at an affordable price. Great fun flown on their own and simply brilliant flown with your buddies, the H-King Racers will keep you grinning all day long, just make sure you have plenty of Lipoly's to hand!
Tough EPO Construction
Nicely Finished, Authentic Scale Scheme
High Performance Model, both Fast and Aerobatic
Fast and Simple to Assemble Courtesy of Modular Design
All Servo's, ESC and High Power Brushless Motor Pre-Fitted
Fully Hinged Control Surfaces
Extensive use Of CF Rods in all Flying Surfaces and Fuselage
Heavy Duty Undercarriage with Rubber Tyres capable of handling the roughest of strips
Can be Hand Launched
Hook & Loop Tape
Wingspan: 800mm
Length: 710mm
Flying Weight: 690g
Wing Area: 10.5dm2
Motor: 2831 1400kv Brushless Outrunner
Prop: 7x6
Thrust: 1600g
ESC: 35A w/BEC
Servo: 9g x 4
Your own 4 Channel TX/RX
1800mAh 4s Lipoly

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #1
Malo mojih slikica

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #2
jos malo

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #3
Uh, pa to je jurilica, jesi siguran da ćeš ga moći vidjeti ? Mislim, ide on i polako, ali pod full gasom....ima da projuri ko metak.  :o 8)
Ovdje treba ići potpis - no ja sam nepismen.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #4
Uh, pa to je jurilica, jesi siguran da ćeš ga moći vidjeti ? Mislim, ide on i polako, ali pod full gasom....ima da projuri ko metak.  :o 8)

Kupio davno na prvi dan izlaska, pomislio kad razbijem funfightera odlicna zamjena kao ima i rudder i malo je veci.
Bio je par dolara skuplji od funfightera a nudio je puno carbona, bolje servo veze, veci, neodoljiva boja...

Kasnije se nisu pojavljivali videi leta osim reklamnog, pa se pojavilo par s crashom, uvije ista sema ako poleti malo ludo leti i greska pilota i tras, na jednom video tip nije dobro usarafio krila i tras, probaj traziti sbach racer skoro nista, ima veliki sbach EPO ali to je drugi model.

Thread ( rcgroups od cijele serije) se jako razvukao i samo malobrojni lete, izmisljalju spoilerone i sl da bi ga malo ukrotili.

Meni je stojao kraj televizora za ukras.

Sreca prati hrabre.

Nemam opravdanja da letim brze a na kraju vecinom takve letim, mozda trazim izazov i malo dodatnog uzbudjenja, skuzim da kod okreta cesto u stvari ne vidim kako treba model nego samo palicama pratim putanja i da se nagne na krivu stranu ode.

S druge strane za mnoge modele citam kako su uzas, ovo , ono na kraju ga ustimam i letim bez ikakvih problema.

Ryan STA je takva prica, osim dobrog reklamnog videa ostalo nesto malo.
Funfighteri imas isto par lete ko metak i hrpa razbijanja kod poljetanja i model ne valja konstatacija.
I sam vozis niskokrilce i znas da imaju svoje bubice, u krivim rukama prvi zavoj i tras.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #5
Ma letit ces to lakse od funfightera, vidjet ces.
Ides na 4 ili 3S ?

Mislim da bu to na 4s oko 150 moglo potegnut.
KV je dosta nizak, zato.

Sretno na maidenu :-)

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #6
Ma letit ces to lakse od funfightera, vidjet ces.
Ides na 4 ili 3S ?

Mislim da bu to na 4s oko 150 moglo potegnut.
KV je dosta nizak, zato.

Sretno na maidenu :-)

Hvala Dr. Tom ti si bio glavna podrska za funfightere (letom, brzinom i svemu ostalom).

Nemam 4s baterija, prvo cu ga polako dok ne ustimam sve a onda cu vec polako poceti prelete.
Trebam neko vrijeme da ustimam stanicu, CG, potrimam sve i steknem iskustva kako reagira.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #9
Gust vas je gledat  ;)

 :) :)

Hvala, ovo je sada najsporije sto ide, pa malo cudno pliva kroz zrak.
Imao sam spremno 3 postave D/R i srednja je bila ok, nakon par krugova vec je bilo lakse.

Jako dobro reagira na komande, ima potecijala, jedva cekam da ga opet letim.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #10
Srepfler i Gospođice ili Gospođo,Ovo ste izveli veličanstveno,jer nije lako letjeti sa minijaturom od 800 mm .Hvala na videu i sve najbolje.
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #11
Srepfler i Gospođice ili Gospođo,Ovo ste izveli veličanstveno,jer nije lako letjeti sa minijaturom od 800 mm .Hvala na videu i sve najbolje.

Prenjet cu pohvale gospođi.  :)
Nakon ovako lijepih komentara bit ce lako snimiti i objaviti jos letova.  :)

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #12
Ma već sam i prije primjetio gospođin ''izbačaj'' modela,kao da je u USA baseball league....čestitike i očekujem još letova.... 8)
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #13
Na izrazitom vjetru, na dobrano ispod 0.

nije bilo bas pametno letjeti, ali sam se zabavio.
Upravljanje ovakim modelom na vjetru je na granici mojih mogucnosti, baca ga kao grancicu.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #14
Bravo...što više reći....ovo je na granici letačkog umijeća većine nas  8)
Šaljem Vam veliki pozdrav iz burnog Splita (+2 C)  ;)
p.s. E da , muzika je po mom ''guštu'' (podsjeća na J.S.Bach-a)
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama