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Topic: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm (Read 23296 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #31
Dragi Marko i Gđo Lansirka (tako Vas je muž hvala na komplimentu...meni izgleda da model sada ''sigurnije'' leti (ma što to značilo).Veseli me što ćeš nabaviti veći 3D,a ponavljam da imaš dara,i da će Te biti uživancija gledati .
Veliki pozdrav
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #33
Marko i D , sasvim dovoljna brzina,a da imaš osjećaj letenja....LP  ;)
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #35
Hvala,dalje od ovih akrobacija ja i ne idem.... :o
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #37
Hvala,dalje od ovih akrobacija ja i ne idem.... :o

Jutros probao i Knife edge, moze ali kratko ipak je dosta tezak za svoju velicinu.

Nema veze previše let na nož sa težinom aviona, ali je zato usko povezan sa veličinom i otklonom ruddera, a najviše sa CG-om (dobro, i oblikom trupa :) )
Da se vrlo lako složiti par mikseva koji iznimno pomažu sa letom na nož...probao sam, super radi. Više ih ne koristim jer volim imat sve pod kontrolom ali ako te zanima viči!

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #38
Hvala,dalje od ovih akrobacija ja i ne idem.... :o

Jutros probao i Knife edge, moze ali kratko ipak je dosta tezak za svoju velicinu.

Nema veze previše let na nož sa težinom aviona, ali je zato usko povezan sa veličinom i otklonom ruddera, a najviše sa CG-om (dobro, i oblikom trupa :) )
Da se vrlo lako složiti par mikseva koji iznimno pomažu sa letom na nož...probao sam, super radi. Više ih ne koristim jer volim imat sve pod kontrolom ali ako te zanima viči!

Hvala zed, samo sam probao,
model je ipak Racer a ne sport 3D,
kada nabavim veceg brata sbacha 1300 mm bit ce i 3D potezi.
Slazem se s tobom, dobar osjecaj na palicama je kljucan,
pokusavam letjeti sto cesce.
Za ovog sbacha mi je trebalo najduze da uhvatim ritam s njim,
jedan od komentara s rcgroupsa

Too small, too twitchy.

Got mine... built it fully ready to fly in 30mins.... took it out today.... CofG 35mm....
Flew fine right off the cricket pitch. Very twitchy. VERY twitchy. But it was a bit windy/blustery.
FAST, even at half throttle.
I guess it was fun, but it is a handful that needs constant 100% focus (almost).

No sign of tip stalling or spins, it flew fine - just the hyper sensitivity of its short length and wingspan.
I used 5mm elevator throws, and 7mm aileron. Those worked very well... I won't change that.

Landed back on the cricket pitch, so I had no landing gear breakage. I can fly very well, but achieving that landing (on a 22m x 2.5m "runway") was a 'miracle' with some luck involved too!
Next landing I was DUMB and decided to land on the grass.... yep, that was dumb!! LG ripped out instantly - but the weak CA bond is good really, to prevent damage to the foam/plane.

All in all I did not like it.....
Too small, too twitchy.
The Mini Mustang (800mm) and the Mini Mig-15 (800mm EDF), as examples, are far better flying planes. Both very stable and well behaved. Those are 100/100 rating foamies!!
The Edge540 is like (or worse than) the Mini F-35 (800mm EDF) or Mini AMX (800mm EDF), which are both very twitchy and "unstable darts" that only fly "well" when fast too.
But the Edge540 looks very nice......

The "Runway" is a cricket pitch (concrete with synthetic grass over that). For some unknown reason the council spread rubber beads over all three in this parks three ovals. It doesn't bother prop planes, but EDF's eat them and you smell burning rubber on take-offs! LOL
They don't mow to its edges (or they might cut the synthetic grass too!) so you can't go near the edges with a model plane, or else... FLIP! I can land 1200mm warbirds on it, but more often than not it will run amock into that edge grass/clump soon enough, before stopping! But they are bigger too. Though a 1400mm J3 Cub can be landed accurately along it pretty well every time... but it is a SLOW plane!
So for a fairly unstable and twitchy plane (the Edge540), landing it back on the runway - dead down the middle and rolling to a stop at my feet - was a very rewarding result! I doubt I can do it again though! (even if it was calm!)

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #39
Da da, sve mi je jasno. Mali je to modelčić za takve egzibicije!

Nisam mislio na 3D letenje, high alpha knife edge već klasično "ravno" letenje na nož za publiku :)
To može svaki avion koji ima dovoljno jak motor i rudder :D

Ajde napravi nekog profilca il nekaj tak lako i jeftino pa da vidimo malo sporog leta, sad si toliko brz da te nemremo pratit :D hehehe

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #40
Da da, sve mi je jasno. Mali je to modelčić za takve egzibicije!

Nisam mislio na 3D letenje, high alpha knife edge već klasično "ravno" letenje na nož za publiku :)
To može svaki avion koji ima dovoljno jak motor i rudder :D

Ajde napravi nekog profilca il nekaj tak lako i jeftino pa da vidimo malo sporog leta, sad si toliko brz da te nemremo pratit :D hehehe
Bit ce, ali ide prvo Nurf novi.

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #42
A jesam te izazvao na gluposti vidim :D

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #43
A jesam te izazvao na gluposti vidim :D


To je od jucer ujutro ( prvi pokusaji), poslije je kisa padala,
ali tesko zabu u vodu natjerati. :)

Odg: H-king High Performance Racer Series - Sbach 342 800mm

Reply #44
Samo zapamti, CG više naprijed - avion "vuče" prema trbuhu, CG više iza - avion vuče prema kabini. Ak neš mijenjat CG i ak ne ide u roll dok je u nožu umiksaš 5-10% elevatora i piči :)