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Topic: Novi PC VIRUS ...NAPADA (Read 2972 times) previous topic - next topic

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Danas sam dobio upozorenje od mog frenda moderatora sa   UK- RCM&E foruma :

this warning from my Companies IT Dept today......

"A new Malware / Virus is making the rounds and it is being described as very serious. It is ransomware.

The program is being delivered via “drive-by” downloads… legitimate looking email from UPS, FEDX, a bank or possibly PayPal. They have a message requesting information, telling you about an offer, or a problem; all to get you to click on a link.

The link does not take you anywhere - it executes a program. Once the machine has been infected many or all files on your computer are encrypted with a program using 256-bit encryption keys. 256-bit encryption is essentially impossible to crack.

A pop-up message then asks for money to be paid via non-traceable “bitcoin” or “money packets” online payment systems to receive the encryption key to unlock your files, and a countdown timer starts counting down 72 hours. If payment is not made the key needed to unlock your files is deleted and they are lost forever. If you get this and do not pay your machine is rendered useless.

Variants of this virus have been found to encrypt files on “mapped” drives, so for people on a network where a drive letter points to some network share, those files also could become encrypted.

In some cases, there is no anti-virus or malware program available that will block this attack, and once infected there is no “cleaner.” The files are truly encrypted and inaccessible.

All users should use extreme caution when following links within email messages. The general rules apply, if this is not something that you have asked for, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. If your bank has sent you a message, or PayPal, and it is legitimate you should be able to go to their website yourself and get the same information directly.

As we approach the holiday season, many people send eCards to family and friends. Please be wary of these messages, as many phishing emails will be sent during the holidays.

If you have any doubt, do not open the link. Check with your local IT group for further information / direction."

The more of us know about this & are careful the better......please pass on this warning to friends/colleagues etc.....
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