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Topic: Spektrum DX8 i DX10 (Read 19914 times) previous topic - next topic

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Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Evo jos friskih stvari sa Nurnberga.

Spektrum DX10 -

Kaze ovako: (Google translator sa Njemackog... slobodno ispravite ak znate)
Spectrum DX10t - Absolute Flexibility.

DX10t The spectrum has created a team with arange of remote control system that is in their class in function,performance and software hard to beat.
The design and concept originated in Germany and is tailored to the needs of modellers and has been optimized. The case convinces by its lightness and its low volume.
This saves weight and simplifies the use of control even over a longer period.
The design of the spectrum DX10t is compelling.
 The spectrum DX10t has a very powerful and modern software architecture. It is very easy to program intuitively. All switches can be assigned freely. The facility has a modern coach with a single-channel transfer system and Übersteuerfunktion of the teacher.
 Overall, the range DX10t is a modern and efficient system to the needs of most sports fan model
 versatility, adaptability and design make it an ideal companion.

more info and exciting insights in

Kit contents:

  • The same provides a full range DX10t firework of innovations:
  • Function modules interchangeable to adapt to the application function modules interchange -
  • collapsible antenna, rubber, and a further internal antenna
  • consistentinterpretation as Pultanlage - optimized distance between the controlstick in order to create optimal surfaces for hands
  • Optimized joystick head for better grip ergonomics
  • replaceable function modules left and right to adapt the system to the application
  •   large backlit display
  • Taste
    Programming on a roll printing press ( :D
    Roll-Druck, to je onaj valjak desno)
  • Spektrum 2.4 GHz DSM2 superior transmission
  • suitable for helicopters, aircraft, boats, function, and Truck Models
  • Telemetry flight log data receiver / battery voltage and connectable sensors
  • SD card readerwith 16MB SD
    SD card reader with a 16MB SD card for virtually unlimited model memory, data and software updates with 16MB SD card reader SD
  • Mode 1 and Mode 4 adjustable ratchet freely selectable, adjustable spring tension
  • currently four languages: German, English, French and Spanish
  •   integrated control stick switch
  • extensive software with three kinds of model: Acro, glider and helicopter
  • 30 model memory internally,> 3000 on the SD card
  • 2 stopwatches
  • 2 operating time counter, total and plant-model memory duration
  • Resolution 2048 steps
  • Built 2S Lipo and integrated charger
  • Associate freely switch
  • Heli
    Mixer with a 5-point curve in space and Heli
Ak znate njemacki original -
Napokon mozete umiroviti svoje 20 godina stare 24-tvorke :)

Spektrum DX8

 The DX8 is a better range of hand-held transmitterfor the aspiring model pilots. The investment follows a modern designwith an impressive ergonomics. All controls are within comfortablereach,
 even if you have smaller hands.  Course
 DX8 is the spectrum with the unique
DSM2 transmission system facilities. It offers a fast and secure linkto the model. Of course, this also includes remote control system
 in the range of equipment used to make Bind and Fly fly models of Horizon.
 The facility is equipped with telemetry.  This permits real-time monitoring of flight log data and the power supply and
 Data from other external sensors.  The facility has a modern and very ergonomic
 Software that is fast and intuitive.  Extensive functions for area pilots,
 as well as for helicopter pilots from the software feature.
 Internally, the system stops at 30 model memories.  The built-in SD card reader, however, allows an approximate
 unlimited number of model memories.  In addition, software updates can be easily performed.
 The spectrum DX8 is supplied with 4 languages.
 It can be set to 3 service areas
- EU, France and U.S.. Furthermore, the investment in Mode 1 can beflown to 4. DX8 The spectrum needs are met almost all of the dedicatedmodel airplanes.
 Kit contents:
•    Features:
•    Real-time telemetry
•    Strength
•    Recipient or flight battery voltage
•    Flight Log data
•    Sensor data
•    SD / MMC card for storage / software update
•    30 model memories
•    large backlit LCD
•    Electronic Maximalwegbegrenzung
•    8-channel receiver with telemetry interface
•    Stopwatch on gas activated
•    adjustable Language
•    Alarm
•    Examination of the transmission data
•    Mode 1-4 selectable
•    Special flight functions:
•    Delayed flap
•    Free switch allocation
•    Alerting capabilities for selected joystick
•    Special helicopter functions:
•    Electronic E-Ring
•    active attitude of the gyro gain
•    Swashplate Timing
•    selected alerting

 Required accessories:
 The facilities of other models, the telemetry modules and boards / Sesoren are also available separately.
 Each spectrum receiver with a data port is compatible with the telemetry module.
 Telemetry Module
 Air Speed Sensor Telemetry Board
 Air speed sensor
 Aircraft telemetry battery power board
 SPMA9570 battery voltage
 Aircraft Telemetry Temperature Sensor Board
 Temperature Sensor
 Connecting in series of connected boards are available in lengths.
 6 "= 15.24 cm SPM9563
 9 "= 22.86 cm SPM9564
 12 "= 30.48 cm SPM9565
 Other Accessories:
 DX8 16MB SD card SPMA9649
Posljednji model:
Sin V1: tezina: 7500 g, raspon: 70 cm, gorivo:mlijeko, kapacitet rezervoara: sve veci, izdrzljivost: 0-24

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #1
Evo jos jedna

Posljednji model:
Sin V1: tezina: 7500 g, raspon: 70 cm, gorivo:mlijeko, kapacitet rezervoara: sve veci, izdrzljivost: 0-24

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #2
Počinje ličiti na Multiplex.
Outrage Fusion 50
Futaba T14SG

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #3
Počinje ličiti na Multiplex.
Samo ličiti! Kad će shvatiti da display ide gore pod antenu a ne dolje pod trbuh!?
Nešto je u zraku...
Multiplex Profi mc3030 - 22 years of excelence and counting...

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #4
Ukrali ste mi komentar
Neodoljivo podsjeća na Multiplexa  :(
Jebo nitro i benzin , struja zakon

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #5
Meni prije liči na  Bang & Olufsen :D , a ovo što navodi SDespot je zaista mana iz više razloga.

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #6
Pogađaš točno na što sam mislio! Pogledaš li dio kućišta koji se naslanja na trbuh, vidjet ćeš da je lagano zaobljen, što bi bilo u redu, ALI, centar zakrivljenosti te plohe je u ravnini s gornjom ploćom kućišta, a trebao bi biti u predjelu pupka! Dodaš li tomu potpupačni display, zaključak se nameće sam: geometrija ne štima!
Nešto je u zraku...
Multiplex Profi mc3030 - 22 years of excelence and counting...

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #7
Da li je netko najušio cijene za ta dva stroja
Karlo. 098-711-540, Sisak

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #8
Pogađaš točno na što sam mislio! Pogledaš li dio kućišta koji se naslanja na trbuh, vidjet ćeš da je lagano zaobljen, što bi bilo u redu, ALI, centar zakrivljenosti te plohe je u ravnini s gornjom ploćom kućišta, a trebao bi biti u predjelu pupka! Dodaš li tomu potpupačni display, zaključak se nameće sam: geometrija ne štima!

e pa to je za mlade, mrsave i neiskusne. kada vise ne vidis displej onda znas da si pravi modelar. ja se protiv dx10 nebi bunil.
struja zakon, nitro USTAV

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #9
Možda ima opciju "remote display" (VGA, HDMI ...)
Sviđa mi se ovo sa integriranim nosiljkama i naslonima za ruke.
Što će im toliko prekidača?
Dizajn očito cilja na EU tržište?

Outrage Fusion 50
Futaba T14SG

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #11
Ljepota je u oku promatraća, no ergonomski taj stroj nije najsretnije zamišljen. Palice su preblizu, display dolje i sitni klizni potenciometri neće usrećiti modelara, ni starog, niti mladog. Programiranje je vjerojatno Asia style, a to je tek nevolja svoje vrste. Koga veseli, nek' mu je...
Nešto je u zraku...
Multiplex Profi mc3030 - 22 years of excelence and counting...

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #12
Kaj brijete, vidiš da ima profilirano za manju škembicu donju stranu  ;D ;D
Posljednji model:
Sin V1: tezina: 7500 g, raspon: 70 cm, gorivo:mlijeko, kapacitet rezervoara: sve veci, izdrzljivost: 0-24

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #13
Palice ima ko kranska dizalica Đuro Đakovic ili ona teleskopska sta su stavljali na FAP-ove nekad

Odg: Spektrum DX8 i DX10

Reply #14
Palice su preblizu, display dolje i sitni klizni potenciometri neće usrećiti modelara, ni starog, niti mladog.
Pokažem maloprije Andriji slike DX10 i pitam ga:'Kako ti se čini'?  A on nakon par sekundi: 'Palice su pre blizu'!

Pa vas pitam drugovi-znači li lijep design i bolju funkcionalnost?
