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Southampton RTR remorker

Bog svima!

Odnedavno sam u RC modelima pa da se predstavim ovdje i možda pronađem kojeg kolegu. Kupio sam ovaj Ready To Run model za cca. 1400 kn u Kini (bio sam poslom tamo).


Brod ima dva motora i propelera ali spojena na jedan ESC i jedan servo za kormila. Dolazi sa nekim jeftinim dvokanalnim radiom. Kako je moj interes bio imati brod sa dva motora s kojim mogu manevrirati što sličnije pravom brodu, naručio sam novu stanicu i dva ESC-a da mogu odvojeno kontrolirati motore. Stanica je TACTIC TTX600 koju sam modificirao dodajući komande za dva motora i to sam opisao tu


Osim stanice, kupio sam i dva ESC-a. Nisam imao bolju ideju, a bio sam nestrpljiv pa sam nabrzaka kupio ovo za sto kuna s dostavom i nisam zažalio. Za ove motoriće koje imam unutra (280 veličina) više su nego dobri. A kasnije ako budem mijenjao motore vjerojatno ću ići na brushless varijantu.


Zasad se samo vozikam po fontanama po Zagrebu, ali uskoro selim u Zadar i planiram napraviti si malu teglenicu (baržu) s kojom bi manevrirao okolo. A možda jednog dana osnujem klub, izgradim stazu i organiziram natjecanja u manevriranju kao ovo  ;D

[attach=5] [attach=6]

Trenutno čekam da mi dođe Turnigy Accucel 6 i razmišljam kakvu bateriju da si kupim jer sam s njim dobio 800 mAh NiMH i neki jadni ispravljač za punjenje.

Eto toliko za početak. Puno je veći interes za brzim gliserima na moru ali uvijek ima i nas koji vozimo ovakve teškaše. Ako nekome treba savjet oko izbora motora/propelera/ESC-a za slična plovila slobodno se obratite, ja sam sve već proučio :) Uskoro planiramo upogoniti bratov drveni model ribarskog broda dug 1m. Pozdrav!

Odg: Southampton RTR remorker

Reply #1
Dobro došao,
Svaka čast ovo je jako zanimljivo s remorkerima, im am ja spremnog airbota pa bi mogli nešto organizirati na preljevnici tam ima par jezera za voziti se


Zagi, Mini Titan 325, F5J-N 400 by Beli, MPX Easy Star II
MPX Funjet, Cessna 177 GP-10,MPX FunCub, Robbe Charter, Combat & Slope Soaring Wing, Mini Dex DLG, SpaceWalker, Cirus.
Futaba 7C

Odg: Southampton RTR remorker

Reply #2

dobro nam došel prijatelj!!!  :)


Odg: Southampton RTR remorker

Reply #3

Here are closer to the holidays and already when I do not have time if someone wants to give the trough that I did 2 years ago out of boredom you harmony and vozi..ima some 70cm in length, painted with airbrush and just collect dust ...80918-080920-180922-2
[Quote author = Capt. Grga link = topic = # msg117102 12403.msg117102 date = 1369067642]
Hello, everyone! Recently I was in RC models and to introduce myself here and maybe find any colleague. I bought this Ready To Run Model for approx. £ 1400 in China (I was a job there). [attach = 1] [attach = 2] The ship has two engines and propellers but connected to one ESC and one servo for steering. Comes with some cheap-channel radio. As my interest was to have a boat with two motors which can be maneuvered as close as a real ship, I ordered a new station and two ESC that can be separately controlled motors. The station is TACTIC TTX600 I modified by adding controls for two motors and I described the . [attach = 3] In addition to the station, I bought two ESC Information. I had a better idea, and I was impatient so I bought this nabrzaka a hundred kuna with the delivery and never regretted it. These motor skills that I have inside (280 size) are more than good. And later if I changed engines probably will go to a brushless version. [attach = 4] So far, the only drives around the fountains around the city, but soon moving to Zadar and you plan to have a small barge (barge) would maneuvered around. And maybe someday form a club, build the track and organize competitions in maneuvering like this [attach = 5] [attach = 6] Currently we can not wait to come Turnigy Accucel 6 and thinking what kind of battery you buy because I was with him got 800 mAh NiMH and some poor adapter for charging. So much to begin with. It is much more interest in hydrofoils at sea but there's always us who ride these heavyweights. If someone needs advice on the choice of engine / propeller / ESC for similar vessels feel free to contact, I have all already been studied We plan nicely brother's wooden model fishing boat 1m long. Hello [/ quote]


