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Topic: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04 (Read 2312 times) previous topic - next topic

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Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Nemojte ga stavljati,
Javlja Error80

Odg: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Reply #1
Problem se ne odnosi na sve Naze, več na određene verzije boot loadera, sn od do, Možete pomoći DJI da riješi problem tako da pošaljete sn i verziju boot loadera na navedeni mail, kasnije će biti svi ispravci u novom firmware-u, zasad nemojte letjeti sa 4.04:

"Dear sir/madam,
[/size]Thank you for contacting DJI China Technical Support Center.
 We’ve received reports from some users regarding issues of “error 80” and “error 79” popping out while upgrading NAZA 4.04 and we’ve investigated this issue. It was the different hardware versions of the main controllers that caused the error reports and our R&D department will release a firmware to fix the compatibility issue ASAP. However, before the firmware is released, users are recommended to downgrade the firmware to 4.02 version (the attached is the downgrade software). Also, we’ll be much appreciated if you could help us ask users for the S/N number of MC and the version number on the side of MC and send them to "" if they reported the above mentioned problem to your side.
 Thanks for your patience and understand.

[/size]Best Regards,
Jeti DS16 Carbon Line & Electric Helis

Odg: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Reply #3
Vratio na 4.02 i radi...

Odg: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Reply #4
je netko netko upejto nazu na 4.06 jel radi sve ok?

Odg: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Reply #5
Ja ti mogu potvrdit sa nekih 50-60ak letova da 4.06 na nazi v1 radi bez premca samo poštimaj si max angular rate, default je 150 i to je presporo (barem meni), finim tuningom sam stao na 195, 195...
Jeti DS16 Carbon Line & Electric Helis

Odg: Naza V1 novi FW 4.04

Reply #6
updejto sad pa cu ici kasnije testirat
angular sam pustio default 150

thx na preporuci