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Topic: Jeti-možda netko i kupi (Read 2365 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: Jeti-možda netko i kupi

Reply #1
A ovo je usporedba sa Specijem :

  Jeti Duplex DS-14 2.4GHz Radio System Now Only $795.00!!!
(Jeti DS-14 Comes in Distinctive "Stealth" Black Finish) The new Jeti DS-14 Basic transmitter allows you to create system that only includes what you actually need, but one that also gives you the opportunity for future expansion. For the first time Jeti's DS-14, State-of-the-art transmitter lets you customize its software and features. Now, you only pay for features that you will actually use. Save up front on a cutting edge radio system, but keep your options open for when your needs change.The DS-14 represents Jeti's new, State-of-the-art, transmitter that sets a new quality standard for the RC Industry with its revolutionary features and brand new plastic Hall Sensor Gimbals. Jeti's final touches and finishes are outstanding. The front panel of the system is made of aluminum with UV stabilized clear coating and the case is made of painted, CNC cut, solid aluminum.

Compare for Yourself the Features of the Jeti Duplex DS-14 ($795.00) and the Spektrum DX18* ($829.99) Radio Systems!!!
* Spektrum brand is registered trademark of Horizon Hobby, Inc
Compare table Jeti DS-14



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Odg: Jeti-možda netko i kupi

Reply #2
@Damire , ti znaš da je moj osobni cilj Taranis  ,a ovo sam stavio na forum da se barem nešto događa na početku vikenda...i kao što vidiš ...uspjelo je... ;D Živio mi
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama

Odg: Jeti-možda netko i kupi

Reply #3
Ovo cu uzet kad buden letia sprave od 10 000e..i stavit cu mu duplu bateriju kako diogen preporuca :D
Dotad san na chingi-lingi stanicama :)
I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form

Odg: Jeti-možda netko i kupi

Reply #4
@Ante i to je bolje nego da si na autobusnim stanicama...... ;D ;D ;D ....u nediju će bit bure ali ne toliko da bi te mogla zaustavit na putu prema Piketu....sorry za off topic... :)
Djeca i luđaci su iskreni u svojim kreacijama


Odg: Jeti-možda netko i kupi

Reply #5
znat cu tek ujutro ocu moc doc..cut cemo se
I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form