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Topic: Spektrum DX20 i novi DX8? (Read 1977 times) previous topic - next topic

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Spektrum DX20 i novi DX8?

Evo još jednoga, počeli su izbacivati nove stanice kao na traci.
Po mom skromnom mišljenju , bespotrebno, uz postojeće DX6 G2, DX7, DX9 i DX18G2, čemu stanica sa 20 kanala ?
I čemu nova stanica sa 8 kanala u najavi, kad već ima sa 7 i 9 ?
Al dobro, ameri...


Carbon fiber front case
Machined-aluminum, quad-bearing gimbals
Interchangeable leather side grips
20 fully-proportional channels
250-model memory
Voice alerts
Wireless trainer link
Independent multi-engine control for airplanes
ProTrim in-flight adjustment of rates, expo, mixes and differential
11ms frame rates with capable receivers
Built-in telemetry with vibe or voice alerts
Airplane, helicopter, sailplane and multirotor programming
11 airplane wing types
6 airplane tail types
2 canard options (1 rudder or 2 rudder) with elevon wing types
Active gyro trim
5 airplane and heli flight modes
7 swashplate types
Swashplate timing
7-point airplane and heli throttle curve
7-point heli pitch curve
7-point heli tail curve
5 sailplane wing types
3 sailplane tail types
10 sailplane flight modes
Multirotor flight mode setup, checklists and voice alerts
Throttle start or switch start timer
16 programmable mixes
0.5% mix rate increments
Origin mixing
Flap delay and elevator compensation
Dual rates and expo
Diversity antenna
4000mAh LiPo transmitter battery
Global charging system
X-Plus™ technology expandability up to 20 channels
Large, backlit LCD screen
Includes AR9020 9-Channel DSMX receiver
Includes 3 stick end sets
5 menu languages: EN, DE, FR, IT and SP
2048 resolution
Language selectable
Region settings for global compliance
EN328 compatible
Ovdje treba ići potpis - no ja sam nepismen.

Odg: Spektrum DX20 i novi DX8?

Reply #1
Meni se svidjaju kozni rukohvati. :-)

Odg: Spektrum DX20 i novi DX8?

Reply #2
Dovoljno mi je da si zamislim ljetne vrućine i znojne ruke koje drže te kožne rukohvate......i skorenu tvrdu kožu kada nastupi zima.

Ovdje treba ići potpis - no ja sam nepismen.


Odg: Spektrum DX20 i novi DX8?

Reply #3
Hmm zanimljivo, ova koža bi se dala čak i održavat ali predstavlja problem po ljeti kao što je naveo
Varadero. Isto mislim da je nepotrebna uz ostale prilično nove stanice.
Također mi nije nešto pretežno ljepa, meni osobno dx9 ili 18 ili 8 su puno ljepše.
Spektrum dx7s i razni modelčeki