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Topic: Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation  (Read 2236 times) previous topic - next topic

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Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation


This is not about a promotion of some manufacturer, or shop, or me, this is about you!!
A fellow hobbyist/maker and an opportunity to breathe life into your creation.

There's not going to be any fancy graphic banners or profit promises, rather, what you see/read if won enough votes is what you get and all you got to do to enter the contest is to post any of your own wildest dream project drawings/renders.  No more nor less!

 Preferably frame image/render in perspective, not the actual design top view of the design as intent is only to present your idea to the contest followers so they can decide which frame they want to vote for based on your design presentation. No need for fancy renders or drawings, present your work in the best light you can.

The prize is a 125$ prototyping fund for your creation if you won the most votes.

 To ensure that the prize prototyping funds are going for that exact purpose, I've decided that the amount will be credited to your account on the reliable, thrust worthy and high quality production service I have had great prototyping experience with, the Armattan Productions.

 With this I hope I'll get to help a fellow hobbyist/maker to get an actual prototype of his creation in his hands and have some fun 

 I've been there and was lucky enough to get supported by some amazing folks thanks to which my creation came to life. I cannot Thank them enough for it and having an opportunity to do something similar for a fellow hobbyist/maker, it just doesn't get any better than that!

This will be posted on all forums I'm a member of in the Pilot/Scratch build sections with hope it will attract the most hobbyists. The central design contest thread in which all designs will be finally shown and presented for voting when it's time:

If you got a friend who's working on a design, tell him about this opportunity!

 The contest will go on for 2 months starting of today after which the vote pool will be closed and the winner will be announced!

 Enough talk  ;)

So, you got a design you are working on?

Something you would like to share and get some feedback on?

No need to look any further, post your design and let the contest begin!

Get the most votes and Win a 125$ worth prototyping fund.

Good luck!

Edit: S obzirom kako je bilo potrebno izraditi grafiku kako bih mogao napraviti blog na DIY Drones,  odlucio je i tu podijeliti.

Nisam nista posebno vremena ulozio, cisto nesto jednostavno sto bi objasnilo ono o cemu je rijec ;)

Odg: Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation

Reply #1
hvala :) bacit cu koji svoj dizajn tamo  ;D

Odg: Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation

Reply #2
Bas mi je drago da ti se svida natjecanje, jedva cekam vidjeti tvoju kreaciju! Puno srece ;)

Odg: Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation

Reply #3
Odusevljen kreativnoscu natjecatelja, nagrada sada iznosi 125$, tocnije, uvecana za dodatnih 25$! Sretno!   :)


Odg: Multirotor Frame Design Contest - Breathe life into your creation

Reply #4
Stigao je I taj dan!  ;D

- Multirotor Frame Design Contest 2016 -

Vote pool is now open!

It has been a fantastic 30 days of the design contest,
now counting 17 contestants with really exciting and way cool frame designs.

Cast your vote for your favourite!

The poll runs for 1 month and ends May 20th
