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Topic: Depron MXR-S (Read 4627 times) previous topic - next topic

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Depron MXR-S

Welcome! :)

I'm from Slovenia and i am cuting depron models with cnc. Everything is precise cut.I flew it and I made a few adjustments to improve the model. Model on knife fly very well. The models will also be sent in europe and usa. Price for all carbon rods, and wheels for the indoor flying is only 31€+shipping. Model fly really nice. Let me know if is anybody interested in that plane.
If you will buy a few models i can give you some discount. All is made with Depron®
Flying mx-2 in the house
MX-2 depronThat was the first model (it was cuted on 1.5mm and the paint melt it and make it very weak and it didn't fly as it should be). And just for information on this video that plane was heavy 175g and it still fly very slow. My friend have it and it weight is 131g. I will make i new video that you will see diference. Some photos. Sorry for my english.

Greethings Alex ;D

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #1
Let me show you my new design of model it name is SHARK . It was not tested yet. Some photos. You can take a look of 3D model in PDF file :)


Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #2
Pozdrav Alex, piši brate na slovenskom, pusti engleski u k... :D

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #3
Dobro potem :)

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #4
Kaj pa mi, ki ne razumejo slovenskega jezika ;D
Modeli so odlični, le pogumno spredaj  ;)
RC elektronika radi na bijeli dim. Kad bijeli dim izađe, elektronika je za baciti...

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #5
What now eng or slo? cro i dont know so god ???


Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #6
Piši bolan bosanski, to garant znaš.
Ovdje treba ići potpis - no ja sam nepismen.

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #7
neznam :)

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #8
Poštnina do HR je 7.75€ presenetljivo malo, glede na to da je pri nas 5.7€  :)

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #9
Noben zainteresiran?

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #10

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #11
Če kod želi lahko model tudi porezkam za Indoor letenje s tem prišparate 10g je pa cena seveda večja.

Lp Alex

Odg: Depron MXR-S

Reply #12
Tako zgledajo modeli porezkani, tudi ta zelen je bil porezkan in je zelo velika rezlika ker utori celo zmanjšajo hitrost modela