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FrSky RX antene

Kakva iskustva imate s originalnim antenama na FrSky prijemnicima s telemetrijom, dali ih je netko prerađivao, odnosno
stavljao kakve homemade ili drugo?????

Ove zime sam koristio D6FR ACCST prijemnik na airboatu po snijegu u hladne dane te mi je modul počeo tuliti da gubim signal a nije se udaljio niti 100m. Koristim ovaj modul:

Svi prijedlozi i iskustva su dobrodošli!!!


Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #1
antene postavi u V prema gore i tako okomito digni antenu na stanici pa ti nece tuliti ;)

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #2
Hvala   ;D
A preporuka za montažu u avijun onako jedna horizontalno jedna vertikalno???
Čini mi se da je i dužina krajnjeg dijela koji je bez zaštite veći negoli što se dobije u kelkulatorima po netu, mislim da je meni oko 33mm, a na kalkulatoru oko 29mm.

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #3
100 m mi je sumnjivo malo, ja bi posumnjao da nije upaljen range test ( zaglavio konektor od zime i sl),
imas mozda jos koji RECIVER da testiras jedan i drugi na zemlji, da li je prije radio bez problema?

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #4
Pa u biti je radilo, a sada sam svu elektroniku stavio u jednu plastičnu kutijicu s gumenom brtvom na poklopcu da se ne smoči pa nisam baš posvetio pažnju kako stoje antene. Kako ću znati dali je u range testu, pošto nisam se baš zabavljao sa postavkama nego samo uključi i vozi!!!  :D   :D   :D


Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #5
Gori zelena lampica ( u telemetry uputama mislim da se ugasi crvena) provjeri bas za tvoju verziju no pali se isto

3.4 Range check:
For safe operation, it is necessary to perform pre-flight range check.
Caution must be paid when flying the unit in the neighborhood of metal fences, concrete buildings, or rows of trees. If doing so, you may experience unexpected interferences.
Perform a range check as follows (Note: this is done with the receiver installed in the model):
a)   Place the model at least two feet (60cm) above non-metal contaminated ground; for example a wooden bench.
b)   Place the receiver’s antenna horizontally. Don’t let the antenna touch the ground.
c)   Place the antenna of the transmitter in a vertical position.
d)   Turn on the transmitter and receiver, then press and hold the “F/S Range” button of the transmitter for 4 seconds the RED LED of the transmitter module will change into GREEN, the power of the transmitter module will be reduced to ab. 1/1000th of the nominal value, and the effective distance will be shortened to ab. 1/30th of the normal value, thus effective distance will be shortened to just above 30 meters.
e)   Walk away from the model while simultaneously operating the controls on the transmitter. Have an assistant stand to confirm that all controls are completely and correctly operational. You should be able to walk ab. 30m from the receiver without losing control.
f)   Press the “F/S Range” button again, the range check will be finished.

3.5 Safety range indicator
When the model controlled by V8 2.4GHz radio control system is close to the maximum distance of control, the response of the model will slow down. It is the safety feature designed by FrSky. It means, the user should fly the model closer to the transmitter as soon, as the reactions are getting slower.

3.6 Signal loss indicator
In some special circumstances, such as a strong interference, the signal can be lost.
When signal lost in a short period, the receiver continues to try to search for the transmitter, at the same time, keeps the last command from transmitter, until a new command is received.
Failsafe: Our receivers support all the failsafe function for every channel. Just do it as bellow:
After the receiver has been bind, press briefly the “F/S Range” button of the receiver, the GREEN LED of the receiver will flash twice, the failsafe is set up successfully.
If you do not need the failsafe function any more, just re-bind the receiver.
Attention: Controlling distance is affected by the environment too. Please test it in an open field away from any obstacles. The controlling distance in the air is greater than on the ground. Our controlling range is based on a conservative ground test.
Hope you enjoy our 2.4GHz products which have been designed and produced using the highest quality control measures available. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

inace ljudi prijavljuju 30-80 metara s tom funkcijom ( taman tvojih 100m),
i domet je daleko veci s polozajem koji je preporucio davorvž ( covjek zna)

My TX module has the new firmware with 30dBc power reduction in range check mode.

The flying field is dead flat, with no grass or obstructions, the RX was tripod mounted at about 1 meter, the TX module with my sweep box was hand held at about 1m also.

Receiver 1, the V8R4 four channel short range unit.
With both antennas in vertical position the servo stops sweeping at 80 meters.
With the TX antenna cross polarized (horizontal) the servo stops sweeping at 15 meters.

Receiver 2, the V8FR long range unit with diversity antennas.
With both antennas in vertical position the servo stops sweeping at 100 meters.
With the TX antenna cross polarized (horizontal) the servo stops sweeping at 80 meters.
As an extra test I pointed the tip of the TX antenna directly at the receiver and still got 40 meters.

OK, so the range check has got more usable now, but I think it should be even less. My thought is another 6dB or 10dB reduction again (about 36-40dBc).

I have a theory for you, that FrSky may be adjusting the range check mode power level in a city environment, with lots of other 2.4Ghz LAN and video transmitters around, which may be reducing their range results compared to mine.
At my club field which is about 3km from any real houses or offices there will be very little other 2.4Ghz interference.

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #6
Ima nepotvrdjeni rumor, mozda te stvarno to kaci

Rumours said that the beta version of FrSky couldn't handle cold weather (had problems at -1C/30,2F, but this one works fine in -19C/-2.2F

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #7
Ima jos jedna teorija ako radi na toplom ( to mozes testirati)

There is another possibility too.

Cracked solder joints. Cold contracts the PCB and can cause solder joints to crack slightly then "reconnect" when they warm up. More than likely it would be in the delicate control circuitry rather than the heavily soldered FETS.

Todays leadless solders are still in a fairly dismal state wrt to thermal/mechanical stress and can easily give way in the face of repeated high temperature swings.

A poor run on the soldering machines can produce a run of substandard soldered parts as well and make a problem like this easily show up big at a given time when normally it's not a big enough problem to raise a statisitcal head.

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #8
Imam FRsky modul i prijemnik,no nije s telemetrijom,ali to nije ni bitno.
Na range testu radi 30 metri,barem meni po iskustvu i po uputama za testiranje.
Letel sam sa njim ispod nule i nije bilo nikakvih problema.
Jedini problem sa prijemom je bil kad sam RX postavil na paraglider koji je aluminijski.
Domet me je zezal ali tek na nekih 150-200 metri,a i antene nisu bile V  i  H nego nekak bez veze.


Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #9
A jel netko od vas koji koristite FrSky module prepravljao krajeve antena po kalkulatorima za frekvencije jer sam ja ukucao
u par i za 2.4G mi izađe 29,6mm a dio antene bez izolacije na resiveri mi je oko 33mm  ???
Koliko bi to trebalo biti na kraju jer vjerujem da i to bitno utjeće na domet.


Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #10
A jel netko od vas koji koristite FrSky module prepravljao krajeve antena po kalkulatorima za frekvencije jer sam ja ukucao
u par i za 2.4G mi izađe 29,6mm a dio antene bez izolacije na resiveri mi je oko 33mm  ???
Koliko bi to trebalo biti na kraju jer vjerujem da i to bitno utjeće na domet.


Da ne bi previse odrezao pokusaj ih pitati

Technical Support:

Odg: FrSky RX antene

Reply #12
Još sam malo istraživao pa sad našao gdje kaže za 1/4 lambde da je 31,22mm,  :-\   :-\   :-\
Mislim da se neću više zamarati, postaviti antene u H kako su već kolege rekle i vozi, a ako mi bude trebo veći domet od ovog,
što ne vjerujem, imam stari dobar modul 40MHz original od stanice i to je to.
Hvala na savjetima SVIMA!