evo jedan brzi
neznam vama ali meni zadnja 3-4 paketa svi su dosli drugi dan u hr od kad napuste hongkong,na carini budu dr dan isti dan pregledaju i salju za pulu i dr dan meni postar na vratima
(nadam se da ih necu ureci )
5/11/2011 8:02:00 PM HONG KONG Receive item from customer (Otb)
5/17/2011 5:30:00 PM HONG KONG HONG KONG AIR MAIL CENTRE Insert item into bag (Otb)
5/19/2011 4:01:00 PM CROATIA ZAGREB 10003 Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)
5/19/2011 7:17:00 PM CROATIA ZAGREB 10003 Send item to domestic location (Inb)
a evo i jedan
"4/11/2011 8:04:00 PM HONG KONG Receive item from customer (Otb)
4/14/2011 5:17:00 PM HONG KONG HONG KONG AIR MAIL CENTRE Insert item into bag (Otb)
i to je to nema ga jos u hr