The output is a digital PMW that repeats at a frequency of 397Hz. The closer the receiver to the antenna, the greater the high period will be. If the receiver has lost signal lock, the high period will be nearly zero. I've uploaded a Oscilloscope trace to the files tab above, so you can see the sort of output. The trace was done with the receiver around 1 metre away. In there you'll also see the receiver manual too. You'll need some form of buffer if you want to interface it into a OSD that expects an analog input. Now this could be just a simple RC Low Pass Filter. From a quick calculation off the top of my head, I would expect a 1k resistor with a 10uF capacitor should do the job. Hope this helps. Si.
slika se strašno trese,a gimbal stoji na silikonskim jastučićima-Xcraftov izum jel su servomotori krivci-nisu futaba s 3156 koje preporučuje xcraft nego je jedan robe a drugi hitec obadva drito prištekana na nazu Dali setap u nazi utječe bitno na trešnju slike? model je flamewheel 550-sexta