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Messages - Juroxzg3

Helikopteri / Align T-Rex 450-700 goblin like fuse
Na Alignovu fb stranicu su stavljene slike :)
"With high quality! New style canopy for T-REX family 450-700E will be announce soon. Hope all of you will enjoy!!

Currently We showed off seven kinds of color, please vote for your favorite by press LIKE  !! And it will be help Align for reference of production.

Thank you for your valuable suggestions! "
Helikopteri / Mikado Logo 690SX
Dobili smo nesto informacija o helicu od Dave Dahla na HF:

"Just got home from flying, and found this thread. Wow, I see nothing's changed as the world turns in the "heli forum world" when something new is offered 

Anyways, here's what I can tell you.

Mikado has yet to offer (and many have asked for it), a "690" heli (like other "700's" that are really 700 "lites", using 690's vs. 700's or even 713's like the Logo 700), that is super light, yet can handle full blown "700 class head speeds". The 600SE of course does 690's, but has it's limits.

So, enter the Mikado Logo "690SX". It uses the Logo 600 molded frame set as a base, but adds the tougher SX drive train on 12S with a new from Scorpion custom made for the heli 370kv 4525 motor, which (due to the low kv) uses a large pinion to keep the drive train good and tough. Even with the excess of power, gear strips are not an issue...Kyle has proven that, as he's been prototyping and flying the crap out of one for some time now.

It uses a new belt type/design and new rear gearbox parts and pulley design to make the tail able to handle extreme abuse without "belt issues", with a redesigned composite carbon/metal front tail drive pulley and larger one-way to handle the power, beefier tail boom supports, coupled with the new SX head and it's better dampening, larger beefier swash plate, an integrated to the frame front battery support so no plates are needed to mount the two 6S packs in the frames, a new bottom extension for the frame/landing gear situation, (the heli as it sits on the ground is taller than the Logo 600 series), and a larger canopy that gives it more "presence" and a proper proportion for the longer boom while in the air...the Logo 600SE always looks too "long for the canopy size". The canopy still looks like a Logo 600, but it is larger.

Kyle's prototype all-up weight RTF with 12S 5000's comes in at only 10.5-10.75 lbs., depending on servos used, BEC vs. 2S etc. The thing is an animal, and due to it being so light, 2000 head speed is all Kyle uses...but man is it REALLY quick. You could use 4500mah packs, still get good time, and it's even lighter!! You just can't bog it down with the 4525 motor in it, and with the new designs installed, it's not fragile either. Kyle has been abusing one for awhile now and it's handled the abuse well...the whole point of the heli...which is a super hot lightweight "690" that you can smack to your heart's desire.

Hope this info helps keep the discussion on track

(-: Dave"
Helikopteri / Odg: HK550 TT FBL Mini Review
Promijenio sam mail adresu na neku ozbiljniju, kad sam pobrisao tu adresu, otišao je i youtube account, zajedno s njim i video. Možda Mrle ima na svom mobitelu, budem vidio. EDIT: Snimit cu video novi i puno bolji kroz iducih par tjedana kad se nađem s robijem na livadi.
Helikopteri / Odg: HK550 TT FBL Mini Review
Za HK je to puno. Ako budete htjeli zamjenjivat dijelove s Align, što biste trebali htjeti (HK je ok ali meni je nakon par letova cijela glava bila labava užasno), očekujte oko $200. Ovisi o tome koliko ste gadno pali. Mislim da je $200 težak par na 550 čak. Ali $50-$60 su Vam samo neke dobre glavne elise, a one uvijek odu. Još zupčanici, rep, svi linkovi kaj popucaju itd. Iako nebi trebali 550 skršit puno puta. Velik je helic, pazit cete više nego kad 450 letite, možete više letit, lakše je vidjet u svakom trenutku što helic radi itd. Cak bi troškovi padanja trebali tu negdje bit. 450 cete skršit 5 puta godišnje (to je još malo za 450 mislim) cisto zato što necete s njim pazit toliko, isprobavat cete nove stvari itd. A 550 recimo jednom godišnje. I tu ja mislim da na 450 potrošite jednako, ako ne i malo više na padove. Naravno, ovo je samo ako ne dođe do kvarova, na što možete utjecati s redovnim održavanjem.
Helikopteri / Odg: HK550 TT FBL Mini Review
Evo još stvari je stiglo!
Produženje repa na 600
Fusuno DFC maska
18t pinion
600 remen
KBDD damperi
Voltage step down

Cekam batke s HK. Ovo ljeto ce biti super! Jedva cekam!
Helikopteri / Odg: HK550 TT FBL Mini Review
Je. Kad sam prvi put digao 550 u zrak, sam od sebe je stajao. Neusporedivo s 450! Što je veći to je stabilniji, lakše ga je vidjet, lakše je na njemu raditi, kad padne je skuplji za popraviti.
Helikopteri / Odg: Nema više Ready Helija
Cuo sam za Edge, ali što su SVI ti brandovi ReadyHelijevi??? I dalje mi nije skroz jasno zašto su se zatvorili(?). Thor su bile jedne od boljih baterija za cijenu..  :(
Helikopteri / Odg: JR Forza
To je jedna od glupih stvari kod Aligna kaj svakih 5 minuta novi upgrejd izbace. To je i dobro zato što rade na svojim proizvodima ali svako malo se treba za nešto dat da bude up to date..
Što su zeznuli? Čujem samo dobre stvari o dominatoru. GAUI ili Forzu sigurno neće puno ljudi složiti za ispod 500€, imat će brže servaće gore i brandirane stvari ali nije toliko velika razlika da vrijedi toliko više novaca. Sve što ce bilo tko od nas ovdje i u Americi  moc napravit na toj super bling bling 450tki od $1000+ moci ce i na Align, zar ne? Za te $$ i još sto-dvjesto dolara može si osoba pre dobar 550 uzet.
Strečajte, promijenit će helikopter!
Helikopteri / Odg: JR Forza
Lakši čak i od GAUI X3? GAUI je skroz plastičan.. Jako lijep helic. Skije su mi jedino ružne na Forzi.. Pre velike su mi nekak. Ove 460 6S su pre dobre stvari.. Lijepo letuckas okolo na 3S s low RPM 8 minuta, viježbaš nove stvari, orientaciju itd. Padneš par puta bez štete, ubaciš unutra 6S batku i helic od jednom je kao komarac na speedu.
Forza mi je najdraži ali dijelove mi se cini da je teško naći? Između Align i GAUI Align pobijeđuje. Ukrali jesu dizanj ali je DFC, maska mi je lijepša, više dućana s dijelovima a i nije sav plastičan.