Evo, da zaokruzim vezano uz Red brick.
Uzeo sam sa Eu skladista plush 40A, i fino radi, naravno.
Posto mi se u HK nisu tjedan dana javljali na poruke u "customer service", otvorio sam paypal dispute, koji sam nakon 3 dana neodgovaranja pretvorio u claim.
Nakon dva sata u customer service mi stize poruka
Hi Jurica,
Good day! We would like to help you further regarding the Warranty Claim you have filed with us. We would like to inform you that the product is deemed faulty as per our Product Specialists. For this, we can either process any of the following:
1. Send a replacement item.
2. Return the amount through Bonus Points in your HobbyKing account which you can use for future purchase.
3. Else, a monetary refund for the amount of the item back in your Paypal account.
For the options above, we would suggest for you to cancel the dispute lodged with Paypal so we can proceed with any of your request. We shall wait for your repsonse.
Customer Service
HobbyKing Support Team
Odgovorio sam im da mi odgovara opcija 2, i neka me ne pokusavaju nagovorit da zatvorim claim prije nego vidim bonus pointse na racunu.
Cim ih vidim, odmah cu ih potrosit posto imam nesto u planu uzimati, i onda zatvoriti claim.