Application to Radio Control
In the world of radio control (RC), batteries which (appear to) utilize nanowire technology were introduced in approximately March of 2009[3], and have since become extremely popular. As of the beginning of 2013, they are widespread, and nanowire batteries are ever-increasing in availability and selection among the top RC product vendors. These new Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries boast extremely high charge and discharge rates up to 5~15C charge rates, and 65C continuous discharge rates, with 130C burst discharge (for example, see [4]; note, however, that smaller batteries with lower C-ratings, such as this one [45C continuous discharge, 90C burst] are more common: [5]) while still getting up to 250 cycles lifetime use [6]. As the technology continues to develop, these numbers will likely continue to dramatically increase. Examples of these extremely high performance LiPo batteries utilizing this "nano" technology include the renowned Hyperion "G3" series [3], the very popular HobbyKing Nano-tech series [7], ThunderPower's "G6" series[8], and BananaHobby's "Genesis Power" Pete Signature Series [9]. These batteries continue to push the limits of LiPo battery technology in the ever-increasing demand for more and more power in the highly competitive world of RC.
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Pojeo ih jači lobi.
if ($znanje == NULL) {read FAQ; use SEARCH; use GOOGLE; } else { use mozak; make post; }