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Topic: Xperience NAN Models (Read 11354 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #15
Tek sad vidim da sam ovo glupo napisao  -" I da nije usporediva sa kompozitnima."  naravno mislio sam - nikako nije usporediva sa kompozitnima.

Veliki balza modeli jednostavno imaju druga pravila. Nije moguce izvesti tanki profil ( a la Drella ), torzija dugackog krila je gotovo nepobjediva itd itd. Ali svejedno su zabavni i za gradnju i za letenje.

Za ovu zimu spremam jednu drvenu cca 3m i cisti oldtimer - naravno moderniziran.

if ($znanje == NULL) {read FAQ; use SEARCH; use GOOGLE; } else { use mozak; make post; }

Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #16
Stefano sorry - u termiku bez straha. Krasan model.

Hvala  ;)
...najbolji dio mi je kad se iz termike, sa kondicijom speed obrusim prema livadi, a ono zvizdi da ti se koza jezi  ;D :D ;D
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #17
@Stefano: drž' se Saše čovjek 'zna znanje' i rado pomogne, uvijek dobro raspoložen na livadi

ma "Car" je... 8)
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #20
e helicopter, and the left thumb stick to move the helicopter forward and up or down, with more pressure on the left stick causing the helicopter to travel higher and faster, and less causing it to slow down and lower.
When people are organizing parties, most are always at their wits end as they try to ensure that there are enough fun activities for the guests to engage in. Remote control helicopters can be an excellent source of entertainment at parties and other events. The guests at the party can get to watch, a highly advanced remote control pilot, perform impressive air tricks with the remote control helicopters. The person, who will be navigating the remote control helicopter, should be able to do so without injuring those who will be watching the RC helicopter.
Dynam 4Ch 'I Can Fly'
To make the party more interesting one can organize for the rc airplanes show to be at night.

Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #21
U ponedjeljak mi je stigao motor nakon vise od 30 dana putovanja.

Motor izgleda mocno i vrlo uredno napravljen. Ulazi oko 38mm u nos Xperiencea ovak na suho. Kad otpilim nos i elipsu trupa malo zaokruzim, ici ce i dublje. Vrlo zadovoljan.
Sad samo da ulovim vremena i pospojim ESC i prop/spiner...batke, pa da vidim kolko cu biti zadovoljan sa W  ;)

Link na motor
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /

Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #22
Kae, nejde jedraljka na suvo a :D

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Odg: Xperience NAN Models

Reply #25
Motor, prop, regler i batka su ugradeni u trup. Ima se nekih 1260W (za pocetak nije lose).
Otezalo se do 2333g. i nadam se da ce to finoooo ponirati i ficukati ... javim kak je bilo... kad bude  ;)
Futaba T14SG & T10CP / MXS EXP 64" / Xperience 132" / Spirit V2 80" / DLG Vortex 60" / NAN Nelly 72" / FPV Quad 500 & 290 &250 & 190 size / FS Dominator / MXS hybrid 49" / Hummer EPP 40" /