Što god da ti kažem vjerojatno će biti krivo. Toliko je šuma u raspravama da više nitko ni ne komentira dok se ne pojave neki konkretni dokazi postojanja bar prototipa.
Aloft od jučer tvrdi da će oba radia biti pokazani u Chicagu (ovaj vikend) - još prije dva dana su pričali suprotno.
Ako je istina da će biti napravljen "tray" taranis - onda će i sama kutija biti dostupna kao rezervni dio.
Ako je istina da su maznuli nečiji privatni dizajn kutije - nebi bilo prvi puta.
I sama Taranis (ovaj postojeći) kutija je "posuđena". Prvo je to bi neki JR (ne sječam se modela), kutija se naravno štancala u Kini - znači preše, kalupi itd su bili dostupni. Prvo se pojavio kod nas malo poznati radio KST Kingmax - i koristio "posuđenu" JR kutiju - zatim se pojavio Taranis u toj istoj kutiji
Inaće između OpenTX core tima i FrSky je sve na pas/mat....
Core OpenTX je zapravo 6 ljudi (jedan u penziji i 5 zaposlenih) koji u svoje slobodno vrijeme rade na OpenTX i plaćaju sve troškove.
The success of the Taranis radio gives us far too much work (private emails, issues, enhancement requests, etc.) and we cannot continue working for free. Moreover it has increased traffic on the compilation server, with binaries larger than old 9x radios. This has forced us to upgrade connection and has increased our costs. Donations do not even cover server and connection costs so we indeed hope in an agreement with FrSky.
We have requested a very small percent of the "Taranis Plus" and "Horus" sales (the same percent requested by SimonK for the closed FW on delta receivers), while we would continue working for free on Taranis. This has to be accepted by FrSky, we are waiting for an answer middle of this week.
Failing to do so, we will need to find different funding methodologies: maybe something like lifetime subscription for accessing the compilation server, a cheap amount... but something that will warrant openTX to survive... we are open to any ideas!
Bertrand on behalf of openTX team.
As probably most of you know i did setup the compilation server.
I would like to explain the meaning of Bertrand's post as it seem it has been misunderstood, at least looking to RCG comments
Let's start from a little bit of statistics:
A typical month with a single release:
3.500 for taranis radio
all concentrated in very few days (for this reason we also upgraded the connection.) we suppose they will increase in the future with more radio sold.
In the last release we compiled 101 different ones only for taranis with different options, we also compiled other 2107 unique images for all the other supported platform.
Being opentx a firmware "a la carte" makes even very difficult to provide precompiled firmware images on a download only server like google (that btw google will stop download service on 15 january and we will need to migrate companion as well.)
Speaking about expenses:
In the last year:
1500€ connection+power utility costs
500€ SAS SCSI controller (replaced as broken)
Total: 2000€ expenses (for the server)
300/500€ for some hardware...
We are open to any suggestion to ensure sustainability of this project, but actually it's just a financial loss, at least for us
We are still hoping frsky will ask us to create a firmware for horus and the new taranis+ with a reward, we think what we asked for is fair and will enable us to continue offer a service, other way we will need to find something else to finance it. (a cheap, pay once, download always subscription ?? firmware compiled for specific cpu id???) We really have no idea
Eto - ako ljudima pukne pipa i dojadi im se baviti uzaludnim projektima - ode OpenTX.
Što je najljepše FrSky uz radie isporučuje "svoj" firmware - gues what it is.
if ($znanje == NULL) {read FAQ; use SEARCH; use GOOGLE; } else { use mozak; make post; }