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Topic: Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u (Read 2312 times) previous topic - next topic

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Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u

Dakle, htio bih probati uslikati neke noćne slike s malo duljim shutter speedom, par sekundi.
E sad, dok je na GP4 bio početni firmware, imao sam opciju shutter speeda samo 10s i više, što je predugo bilo + što se quad pomakne malo u tih 10s pa slika bude mutna.
Sve je bilo ok i imao sam FPV u tom modu, tj. video, sliku, koja se ugasila samo prilikom okidanja mislim..znači mogao sam namjestiti kadar i pustiti da GP udara slike u nekom intervalu.
Otkako sam updateao firmware to više ne radi. Sada imam opciju shutterspeeda 2 s što bi bilo dobro, ali čim uključim snimanje, da opali forku svakih 10s npr., više video link ne radi, samo vidim Gopro OSD na ekranu, ali nema slike pa moram napamet kadrirati...jel netko zna nešto više o tome?

Odg: Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u

Reply #1
Bump?  :)

Odg: Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u

Reply #2
Vidi, istina za 3 ali mozda pomaze.

What you have to do is enable the GoPro to take photos and video SIMULTANEOUSLY.  When you do that, you can set the GoPro to take a picture at a regular interval while it is also taking video.  I always set it for every 5 seconds.  The only thing to remember is that doing this will limit your possible resolution settings for the video. "After much trial and error, I found that the only way to get decent still images from the GoPro is to use it at the following settings.  These settings ensure the highest quality stills but only take one still image every five seconds.  The video is not interrupted when the GoPro shoots still images, but you can't use the highest quality video settings in this mode. Set the GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition camera as follows:My settings were as follows: set video to 1080p 30fps.  Set the camera to shoot video and take a still images every 5 seconds ("video plus still" mode).  Turn off ProTune mode.

Odg: Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u

Reply #3
Eh..problem je što bih ja radio nightlapse iz zraka, a čini mi se da gopro gasi preview zbog shutter speeda...a moglo se sve dok nisam updateao gopro -.-

Odg: Gopro 4 i FPV u Photo mode-u

Reply #4
Da, ja isto na pamet slikam, skroz nezgodno