Problem je u tome sto su to jeftilen plocice, ne kazem da su lose nego neki svoje salju nedovrsene, znaci sve zalemljeno ali nema bootloadera u cipu, to je najtezi slucaj jer onda ne radi usb nego moras preko FTDI mu upucat bootloader pa onda firmware. Druga laksa verzija je da imas stariju verziju bootloadera, to se rijesava GCS software, dolje ti je link. A najlakse je da trebas samo klasicno upgradat plocicu kroz GCS. Prvo probaj ovako
- pogasi antivirusne programe na kompu
- odi u wizard u GCS i klikni start Wehicle Setup Wizard i prati kako se update-a
- ako krene updateat i zavrsi i nakon toga i dalje vidi znaci imas stariji bootloader , ali ga bar imas to je super samo ga treba dignut na verziju 4. Tu na linku negdje na sredini imas uputstvo kako , ako ni to ne pomogne znaci trebas FTDI, ako nemas posaljes mi plocku pa ju ja probam oziviti to Upgrade the Bootloader and Erase SettingsIf it is necessary to upload the bootloader, strictly follow these instructions: - Download the appropriate bootloader (ie CC3D - BL4 or Revo - BL5) and save it to your hard drive where you can find it again
- Using the Firmware workspace in GCS, and with the board disconnected from USB, clickRescue and follow the onscreen instruction to connect the board
- After the board is detected, click Open and select the BootloaderUpdater (BU) file from where you saved it on your hard drive
- Click Flash to flash it to your board
- After the flashing is complete, press Boot and wait until the blue LED is on, then flashes, and finally goes off (normally ±15 seconds).
- Disconnect the board from USB.
- Click Rescue, connect board & click Erase Settings and wait for erase to complete
- Disconnect the board from USB.
- Click AutoUpdate and follow the onscreen instruction to connect the board to automatically install firmware.
Flashanje preko FTDI