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Topic: X-UAV ONE FPV (Read 3270 times) previous topic - next topic

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želite nešto egzotično a Inspire ONE vam je preskup?
nema problema, Kinezi imaju za svakoga ponešto  ;D
iz poznate firme nakon vrlo popularnog Talona i stiže nam jednostavno: ONE  8)    (X-UAV ONE)

kao i inspire, i ovaj ima vrlo zanimljivo izveden pogonski sklop, nekonvencionalan u najmanju ruku  ???
prop se vrti oko tailbooma a ne iznad njega  8)

više info:

Although X-UAV have located their prop right behind the wing, with the boom-prop concept technically it could be ANYWHERE on the boom.
 You want to double the weight of batteries/camera-gear in the nose? No problem, just slide the boom-prop mechanism further towards the tail to counter-balance. No dead-weight needed.
 You could locate a boom-prop in-front of the wing (for quieter operation/greater efficiency), but still have camera gear out of prop view in-front of that!
 How about multiple boom-props on the same boom? One spinning a huge prop slowly for maximum climb-rate, then switch to another much smaller prop for maximum cruising efficiency.
 Two boom-props on the same boom counter-rotating?
 Due to the reduction gearbox, smaller/lighter motors can be used. E.g. a 1000kv 500W motor will be lighter than a 500kv 500W motor.
 Yes there’s the gearbox weight to consider, but my 3D printed gearbox weighed next to nothing.
 A pusher-prop means the prop is out of camera view, but with most pusher-prop planes your prop size is limited (unless you want to chop your tail).
 With the boom-prop there are no limits to prop size and since spinning a large prop slowly is a more efficient (and quieter) way of producing thrust than a small prop quickly, therein lies the advance.
 No thrust angled needed. i.e. 100% of thrust generated by the pusher-prop goes into forward propulsion.
 Conventional pusher-prop planes need to angle their prop to counter the moment of thrust. The larger the prop you use, the more angle you need. This is such a waste of energy; a conventional pusher-prop angled at just 18’ means 5% of your thrust wasted. At 25’ it’s 10%.

Tko će prvi?  :P

(na kraju filma žešći test materijala  ;D :D )
New X-UAV Awesome FPV plane "The One" frist fight test video

ima i adaptacija za multije :)


Reply #1
E to je stroj koji bi volio probati ili još bolje napraviti.....


Reply #3
Imao sam priliku probati neke stvari s tih printera i stvarno je to čvrsto ako je dizajnirano kako treba ali meni se najviše svidio materijal na kraju vidae kojeg si postao..
Ploča je fora koliko je žilava.....
Živjela tehnologija..... :)


Reply #4
Printan je okomito, ne moze se slomiti centrifugalnom silom propa jer djeluje unutar layera. 3d printevi su najslabiji ako se sila primjeni na način da se slojeve međusobno "razvlači".
Ovo nije problem napraviti:-)



Reply #5
Sviđa mi se :)
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