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Pogledaj koliko je trajalo ne-amateru u izradi jet-ova da napravi su-27 i nakon toga razmisli da li si kadar to sve prolaziti i šta je najbitnije da li imaš dovoljno sličnih prijatelja da te supportiraju na projektu. Također da vidiš da su turbina i stanica najmanji trošak u izradi. Osim enormnog troška na materijal za izradu modela, kalupa i konačnog airframea, obrati pažnju na vrijeme i alat. Čovjek je potrošio više od 3 godine samo na izradu prototipa.
eh da.. obrati pažnju na friend and well known german jet manufacturer
http://www.su27.de/seite1.htmParallel, the construction of a larger SU bega thn. Now I am preparinge first prototype for this “sport”- Suchoi wich will be available in kit form from a friend and well known German jet manufacturer ( approx. early 2005 ).
At the end of 2001, I began with the construction of my large SU 27, scaled at 1/6.5. The model has a length of 3.375 meters and is designed to take two engines in the 160 – 200 Newton class. From the very beginning, the whole project was accomponied by a homepage, explaning all the steps like construction , building the plug, surface detailing ( riveting ) building the molds and making all the glass fibre parts for this all composite model. Up to now I can look back on a substancial documentation wich created lots of interest and this gave me the opportunity to get in touch with modellers all over the world. I am happy to share my “secrets” with all other modellers, and through this three years Suchoi project I did not only collect lots of feedback and useful information, but many new friends worldwide
September 2004
Harald Huf
eh da model je na prodaju..
For sale!
Model is ready to fly (with german licence for model airplanes over 25kg)
2x JetCat P200 and radio equipment included
open for Your offer via email