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Topic: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release.. (Read 3634 times) previous topic - next topic

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2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

The 1st FAI World Drone Championships (WDRC) will be held in Shenzhen (People’s Republic of China) from the 1st (Opening Ceremony) to the 4th (Closing Ceremony) of November 2018.
Please find attached the Bulletin#2 and the release of the WDRC Sporting Rules document. Those documents may also be downloadable from the WDRC website ( in the 'DOCUMENTS' section.
For the 32 NAC's which have sent their Preliminary Entry Form, an email will be sent in the next few days to the contact contact defined by in the. This email will include a personal access code in order to register the national team on the WDRC website.
For NAC's which have not sent a Preliminary Entry Form, it is still possible to participate. In that situation, thank you to send  an email to mentioning the NAC contact person (First and family names with his/her email address and phone number) for the WDRC.
The interest in this class is constantly growing and it concerns a lot of youths. So, give the chance to your members to compete in the WDRC. We are waiing for a very large participation.
Don't hesitate to contact me in case of any question.
Best regards.
Bruno Delor
1st CIAM Vice-President & CIAM FPV Racing Subcommittee Chairman

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #1
Eee da mi imamo para za ovakve papazjanije...  :(

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #2
Evo sad se ne može reći nemamo ti mi para za takvo što.  ;D
Znam da novaca nemamo, ali pilota imamo.

FAI Daegu Drone Race World Cup

We are KAMA(Korea Aero Models Association.
FAI Daegu Drone Race World Cup
Date: 7~9 September
Place: Daegu World Cup Stadium in Korea
FAI World Cup is scheduled to be held as above.
For this world cup, we would like to invite some drone racing pilots recommended by FAI CIAM members as we did last year.
The details are as below. Please select a pilot who wish to participate in the FAI World Cup in Korea.
As our budget is limited, we can provide some financial support to only 10 pilots from 10 countries. The selection will be in the order of arrival of application forms.
Please send us a competent pilot passionate about drone racing.
Our website is
Please fill out the application form and email it to
<Details >
The U.S, Europe: U$1000 Cash
Asian countries, Australia: U$ 500 Cash
*It will be remitted within 1 week after the World Cup. This is to prevent pilots who have already received the financial support from not attending the race.
 KAMA(Korea Aero Models Association)
 Secretary(magazine RCKOREA,Reporter)
 Park Soon Cheon
 Tel: 82-2-548-1961
 Fax: 82-2-548-1967[/size]

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #3
Ajde DRTC pa da vas docekamo na Trgu ko svjetske sampione ;)


Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #4
Nisam detaljno čitao stranicu natjecanja.

Da li se uopće može prijaviti samo jedan pilot ili mora postojati i tim, od managera pa do par ljudi ?

Jer tada je iznos potreban   broj_ljudi x (avion + cca 7 x nocenje + ...).

9XR + FrSky, Bixler 2, Phazer KX EDF, ELF DLG, Quanum Nova QuadCopter, DEX mini quad, Q-BOT micro quad, 2 x Buggy HSP XSTR PRO 1:10, Monster Truck 4WD 1/8 Nitro Circus, Relentless Racing Boat ...

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #5
Bez uvrede, ali malo je bedasto da netko mora čitati umjesto tebe.
Ovo je poziv za World Cup natjecanje u Koreji, a ne Svjetsko u Kini.
Sponzoriraju samo jednog pilota iz jedne države, jer im je cilj imati što veću paletu država.
E sad ako jedan upadne, a drugi ide s njim to je već stvar drugih dogovora.

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #6
Hvala na trudu ali ako oni misle da je 1000$ dovoljno za nekoga pripremiti i dopremiti u Koreju, grdo se varaju :)
Treba poslati upit pa ako prođe dalje tražiti sponzore...


Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #7
Pa ne znam što bih rekao. Meni je to izgledalo kao super prilika. (Namjerno prošlo vrijeme, jer je do sada lista sigurno popunjena.)

Zašto mislim tako? Zato jer sam se cca 25  godina aktivno bavio aeromodelarstvom, ali u tih 25 godina nitko od nas nikada nije čuo za nešto ovakvog tipa. S druge strane, vrlo dobro znam koliko je posla odvesti reprezentaciju na Europsko ili Svjetsko prvenstvo jer sam i to radio. Koliko sam samo molbi i e-mailova napisao, koliko je bilo telefonskih razgovora, potrošenih osobnih kredita... Kada su se po prvi puta pomalo sramežljivo ponudile simbolične nagrade za EuroTour to je bilo čudo.

Usporedi ulaganja i trud naših svjetskih prvaka i stav: pa kaj je 1000 USD za otići na jedno natjecanje? Ako se ne varam cijena F1A,B C ili F3J/F5J modela i opreme je i dalje višestruko veća od top racing drona i njegove opreme.

Uvjeren sam da bi svaki od njih to objeručke prihvatio, jer bi inače sve morao platiti sam.

Možda griješim i ne razumijem ili je samo razlika u generacijskom jazu.  :)

(Nemoj kaj zameriti, sve je u najboljoj namjeri. Definitivno nije poziv na svađu. Imam previše godina da bi mi još i to trebalo.  :) [size=78%])[/size]

Odg: 2018 FAI World Drone Racing Championships in Shenzhen - Bulletin#2 and release..

Reply #8
Može se puno sa 1000$, pokriva dobar dio karte tamo i nazad...