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Topic: ufo... (Read 3155 times) previous topic - next topic

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Ima netko ideju kak ovo funkcionira?
World's Best Mystery UFO Flyers!
Ajmo dežurni teoretičari, raspalite :)
Tko umre  na jesen, za njega nema zime.

Odg: ufo...

Reply #1
Nevidljiva nit  ;).U Americi cijena 10 $ .

Odg: ufo...

Reply #2
"And here is a comment from someone who purchased it from
 <blockquote>I bought one of these on the basis of an instore display and the blurb on the packaging.
 I took it back to the shop the next day, realising I'd been had.
 The packaging and especially the video - online at YouTube - is SERIOUSLY misleading.
 Do you get a flying toy? - NO.
 Does the UFO fly on its own? - Not unless you throw it like a frisbee.
 How does the UFO lift off and hover? - It is on a string (Yes really).
 What do you get for your money? - Cardboard UFO, thin treads, instructions on making your performance look believable."</blockquote>
struja zakon, nitro USTAV

Odg: ufo...

Reply #3
modernizirana varijanata onog kaj se zove "sibicari"
obicno stacionirani na Jakusevcu
tko leti vrijed, tko ne leti ne vrijedi, GRUNF

Odg: ufo...

Reply #5
Ima i puno ljepsih modela, a i nisu previse skupi!!!

Maglev Globe.mp4
LP,  Chris
... gravity always wins ....


Odg: ufo...

Reply #6
Ako na dobro mislim onda je to igračka.

flying rc ufo