propovi April 30, 2011, 02:10:49 pm dal zna možda netko di bi mogel nabaviti ovakve propove:
Odg: propovi Reply #1 – April 30, 2011, 09:23:05 pm prop ti ovisi o motoru, za motor 400 koji ti preferiraš koriste se propovi do 7x4, ostalo je preopterećenjebilo koji prop 6x3 ili 6x4 dati će ti otprilike takve performanseporbaj sa gunther elisom Karlo. 098-711-540, Sisak
Odg: propovi Reply #2 – April 30, 2011, 09:42:34 pm malo sam lutal po stranim forumima i igrom slučaja naletel na priču lika koji je na stavil 4.7 x 4.7 i jako je bil zadovoljan..igrom slučaja imam doma 4.75x4.75... malo sam se poigral da ih stavim na prop savere ali gore su......
Odg: propovi Reply #3 – April 30, 2011, 10:07:41 pm da stavio je 4,7 na 4,8V motor iliti race400-tke se dijele na 4,8v, 6v i 7,2vti najvjerojatnije imaš ovaj srednji što ti je uglavnom standardni 380 motor Karlo. 098-711-540, Sisak
Odg: propovi Reply #4 – April 30, 2011, 10:31:17 pm I was running mine on a 4.7 x 4.7 on 8 500A cells, and it was rock steady, and crisp as can be on the controls. Very smooth, it was a great intro to Speed400 pylon racers.
Odg: propovi Reply #5 – April 30, 2011, 10:33:29 pm ili ovo: If you do not have a lot of experience with fast electric planes, I would recommend that you start with a 6x3 prop, a Speed 400 6V motor, and 7 600AE cells. A Speed 400 motor will need an ESC that can handle about 10 AMPS.Once you get familiar with the flying characteristics of the Simple 400, and it starts to seem that it is a bit slow then you can switch to a 5x5 or 5.25x4.75 for a much faster flying that you will keep you on your toes. I currently fly the Simple 400 with the 5.25x4.75 APC prop, and the motor and batteries I am recommending. I am using the Jeti ESC that handles 10 AMPS.
Odg: propovi Reply #6 – April 30, 2011, 11:28:41 pm zaboravih ti napomenuti da su ti mali propovi učinkoviti tek na većim brzinama kad počnu grabiti zrak, a ne mljeti u praznopo meni, najbolje će ti se pokazati na čamcu SF ili APC propeleri Karlo. 098-711-540, Sisak