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Topic: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43 (Read 20997 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #45
I mi smo maidenali jednog zagija na Domovinskom, a i Baronneta, s tim da je za Baronneta bio prejak vjetar

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #46
Suuper! Mi smo ovaj put zapalili na kanal, vrijeme je stvarno bilo za 5+

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #47
Samo da obavijestim cijenjeno pucanstvo da je moj mh43 zagi juce napustio plavo nebo i prikljucio se pretcima.
Flater mu je dosao glave.
Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #48
Flutter je najzabavnija stvar na Zagiju  :D
Počivao u miru, sad sretno leti po vječnim letjelištima  :D

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #50
Nadam se da još imaš onog Zagija, meni su suze išle od smijeha  :D

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #51
Imam, ali ugradio sam mu letvicu i više ne maše krilima, šteta..  :'(

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #52
Eto, upropastio si savim dobrog zagija  ;D

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #53
mome zagiju ni letvica nije pomogal  :D :D
Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.


Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #55
konačno nakon par mjeseci, majden flajt,
zagi edf, tzv. Bumbar sa 69mm + 2w20 het, 3300 4S
profil je mh43 a cg je na 240mm

Mh43 bumbar het 2W20

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #56
Narode, jel postoji neki nacin za smanjenje/eliminisanje flatera osim dodatnog ukrucenja krila i elevona?
Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #57
ima, leti sporije :)

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #58
maaah, nece da moze :)
Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.

Odg: Testiran ZAGI s profilom MH43

Reply #59
mrrrnjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii flap-flap-krak tras na zemlju
cetvrti zagi je platio glavom pojavu flatera

pomagajte ljudi.....

Naredni model planiram u tankom MH43 profilu sa smrekovim letvicama u dve zone (dore i dole) jedna paralelna sa napadnom ivicom a druga sa izlaznom.

Da li bi ovo bilo u redu?
Mislim, ako je neko vec probao i nije radilo, da se ne zezam sa tim....
Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.