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Topic: Opa! 450 DFC :) (Read 4316 times) previous topic - next topic

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Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #2
Tko voli vatromet, sviđat će mu se i DFC  :)

(danas sve nešto negativno nalazim)  :D

Uspio je! Daj još jedan video :). Kak si to našao? Si tražil DFC boom strike? Ja sam skužil da je u životu jako važna vjerjatnost nekog događaja i da je dosta toga moguće po određenoj vjerojatnosti. Vidio sam boom strikeove i sa običnim glavama. DFC 700 je prva DFC glava koja je prodavana i masa ih je kupila, mislim da ima više 700tka DFC nego goblina. Eto, sad kad sam to rekao, mislim da je DFC statistički prilično sigurna glava jer nema puno reporta boom strikea u odnosu na to kolko ih se koristi.
Dalje, ono što me je zabrinulo je Castle Cremations ESC gdje sam naletio na hrpu izvještaja i videa gdje stvarno gori! Skoro tolko da ga možeš koristiti da zapališ vatru :) i od tuda "popularno" ime :).
T-REX 700E V3 V-Bar DFC
FIVE F8X.04 DJI A2 Z15 GH3

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #3
Nisam tražio, vidiš da je friški topic, izašao mi je pod new posts
Ali ako tražiš, svi ju "jako hvale"  :)

Boom strikeova ko u priči, šarafi se odšarafljuju i čak je Align napravio opoziv svih 700/600 glava.
Problem je kaj su išli kopirat Compass i uspjelo im je 50%, sad korisnici beta-testiraju. Ak imaju sreće, sve OK, ak ne imaš petardu u zraku  :-X
Pazi se, bar provjeravaj šarafe svako malo ak nemaš apdejtanu verziju

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #5
When there are 1000's of DFC heads out there that have been in use for close to 6 months and 3 reported boom strikes that were posted on the forums how exactly does that compare to the double digit reports of Castle esc's flaming up EVERY WEEK??? And on top of that looking at your sig you dont even have a heli that the DFC head would work on so exactly what are you going to add to the conversation?

Im not an Align fanboy or a fanboy of any product really. I have had a lot of different brand heli's and they all have +'s and -'s but the reality there are a lot of people on these forums that cant stand to see certain companies put out anything new because of there own loyalties to other brands. And then these same people flip through the pages on HF all day just waiting like a vulture to strike with any negative feedback to post just like the OP did here. Who cares if Align has a head that you think is crap and doesnt work? Personally I have close to 300 flights on my DFC without issue running 710/110 so I know the truth of the matter. The armchair engineers on the site can sit back and post videos and try and explain how bad of a design it is all day long but if its so bad how is my model still flying hard after 300 flights? The [glow=red,2,300]xxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxx  xxxxxxxxxx  xxx x xxxxxxxxxxxx [/glow] when the competition drops a new product for there line on the market.
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Trex550E manji ali BRŽI I ŽEŠĆI od wespenove
600-tke.....ali uskoro više ne ČUDO je na putu

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #6
When there are 1000's of DFC heads out there that have been in use for close to 6 months and 3 reported boom strikes that were posted on the forums how exactly does that compare to the double digit reports of Castle esc's flaming up EVERY WEEK??? And on top of that looking at your sig you dont even have a heli that the DFC head would work on so exactly what are you going to add to the conversation?

Im not an Align fanboy or a fanboy of any product really. I have had a lot of different brand heli's and they all have +'s and -'s but the reality there are a lot of people on these forums that cant stand to see certain companies put out anything new because of there own loyalties to other brands. And then these same people flip through the pages on HF all day just waiting like a vulture to strike with any negative feedback to post just like the OP did here. Who cares if Align has a head that you think is crap and doesnt work? Personally I have close to 300 flights on my DFC without issue running 710/110 so I know the truth of the matter. The armchair engineers on the site can sit back and post videos and try and explain how bad of a design it is all day long but if its so bad how is my model still flying hard after 300 flights? The bottom line is just be happy with what YOU fly and dont act like a little bitch when the competition drops a new product for there line on the market.
kopirano s istog foruma s istog topica

Wow, sličan je mom postu ;D. Sviđa mi se :).
T-REX 700E V3 V-Bar DFC
FIVE F8X.04 DJI A2 Z15 GH3

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #7
Ja se ponašam ko mala kuja?

Meni je samo interesantno kak se vi dižete na zadnje noge na spomen Aligna u bilo kakvom kontekstu koji ga ne glorificira  :D

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #8
joj sr krivo sam poboldal ;D
htel sam ovo
 Who cares if Align has a head that you think is crap and doesnt work?
Trex550E manji ali BRŽI I ŽEŠĆI od wespenove
600-tke.....ali uskoro više ne ČUDO je na putu

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #9
opet sam zaj.... ;D
ovo je to
 Personally I have close to 300 flights on my DFC without issue running 710/110 so I know the truth of the matter.
Trex550E manji ali BRŽI I ŽEŠĆI od wespenove
600-tke.....ali uskoro više ne ČUDO je na putu

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #10
Ja se ponašam ko mala kuja?

Meni je samo interesantno kak se vi dižete na zadnje noge na spomen Aligna u bilo kakvom kontekstu koji ga ne glorificira  :D

Ajoj Robi daj, Simpi ti je baš lepo odgovoril. Gledal sam okolo i stvarno Align ima najbolji omjer kvalitete i cijene, nije top notch ali je best buy, no... barem po mom mišljenu.
T-REX 700E V3 V-Bar DFC
FIVE F8X.04 DJI A2 Z15 GH3

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #11
Pa je samo kaj ne volim kad me se naziva malom kujicom, ne bi se trebali vrijeđati bez obzira na bilo kakvu raspravu
Ja ne mislim da ta glava ne valja niti da ne radi itd itd, sviđa mi se dizajn, ali očito je nedorađena kad su radili opoziv, jel tak?
Sad ozbiljno pitanje - zakaj se na ovom forumu ne može raspravljati bez da se uvode emocije i osobna prepucavanja?
Da sam uletio u topic sa šprehom --- JEEEEEEEEE, ALIIIIIIIGN ZAKON, DFC ZAKON, NUKLEARNU FIZIKU SU ZMISLILI, onda bi rasprava bila super, a ovak se natežemo  :-\

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #12
Opoziv su radili zbog onih šerafića kaj nije ni bilo sa 600DFC i nema veze sa ovim. Ovaj frajer je koristil krpene sablje :D pa su mu se savinule, he he. Ovo sa malom kujicom je istina, grubo je i nije ljepo... ali valjda je htio ostaviti jaki dojam :). Ja nemam neke oštre emocije u vezi ove raprave. Dapače meni je guba raspravljati.

E da! Ti imaš emocije prema Alignu... da da.
T-REX 700E V3 V-Bar DFC
FIVE F8X.04 DJI A2 Z15 GH3

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #13
stvarno ne razumijem ,
Pa nisam ja nikoga nikako nazvao nego iskopirao post iz tog topika.Niti sam mislio koga uvrijediti .
Iskrene isprike.
Trex550E manji ali BRŽI I ŽEŠĆI od wespenove
600-tke.....ali uskoro više ne ČUDO je na putu

Odg: Opa! 450 DFC :)

Reply #14
Je, obožavam nove Alignove canopyje, pogotovo 450 Pro V2 :)

Isprike prihvaćene

Zaključak, Solo Pro je zakon - i kad ti se dogodi boomstrike samo nastaviš letit. Ili malo spigaš sablje prema gore da nemreju lupit u boom  :D