Odg: dal vam dolaze paketi ??
Reply #2266 –
Svašta je moguće,čujem imali su direktori sastanak pa uzeli bolju poštu......a ja naručivo baterije iz njemačke pa na veliku količinu ispalo 44 eura dhl...skupo al kad se podjeli I nije...a brže nisam dobio ništa,tak bi to trebalo izgledati
2014-05-10 16:09, Croatia, The shipment has left the import parcel center in the destination country.
2014-05-10 14:25, Croatia, The shipment has arrived in the destination country
2014-05-10 03:10, Feucht, Germany, The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center
2014-05-10 01:17, Feucht, Germany, The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: )
2014-05-09 20:14, Osterweddingen, Germany, The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
2014-05-09 19:01, --, The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
2014-05-09 11:18, Germany, The shipment has been picked up
2014-05-09 10:09
2014-05-09 11:18!!!!!
Some days you feel like the Wright Brothers.
And some days you're Icarus.