pfff tvoj "yaw" radi ko zmaj naspram mog
ja kad dam komandu lijevo ili desno bas cujes motor kako se ubrzaju i naravno quad skoci gore
zakacio sam dodatnu tezinu ali to nije pomoglo probat cu sad sa d/r
btw stick scaling throttle je na 90 ako ga stavim npr na 80 trebao bi imati manji odaziv na gas to je ustvari kao neki expo na stanici?
Ja sam to rijesio tako sto sam u YAW postavkama stavio za I gain i limit vrijednost 0, i vise model ne skace uvis kad ga okreces lijevo i desno.....
Ja pak imam problem sto ne mogu namijestiti selflevel, postavke su mi P 40/20 a I 0/0, prilikom aktiviranja se funkcije upravljanja samo uspore pa model postane lijen na komande.... Kad pak pocijem namjestati I u neku vrijednost model u letu prilikom aktiviranja selflevel-a putem aux-a svaki put se okrene u neku stranu - ne uvijek u istu, umjesto da se postavi u horizontalu... ne kuzim u cemu grijesim
I postavke ne rade za self level, izbacene u novijoj veziji
Q: What are the "limit" values in "PI Editor"?
A: About the "limit" values. They set the maximum of the available motor power to be used for correction. 100 is 100%. The "I limit" value is also known as "anti wind-up" in PID theory.
The limits is most important on the yaw axis. The prevent a large yaw correction from saturating the motors (giving full or no throttle), causing no control of the roll/pitch axis.
The default values permit 30% ("P Limit" 20 + "I limit" 10) of the motor power to be used to yaw correction, making 70% available for the roll/pitch axis, the most important ones.
You can increase "Yaw P Limit" for faster Yaw response. Note that Yaw response is also limited by the craft itself.
You can increase "Roll/Pitch/Yaw I Limit" for increased heading-hold "memory", that is how far it can deviate and still return to original attitude. Too large memory can cause problems if you have a "blow out" on one of the axis, tries to correct it with opposite control input and then when the blow-out conditions disappear, the craft will try to return to an unknown attitude.
Unless you know what you are doing, leave the limit values as default. Default values has no impact on The PI tuning process.
Also leave the self-level "I gain" and "I limit" at zero. The I part of the self-level algorithm does not work well, this will be fixed later. (Accelerometers is too slow)